Table of Contents/Menu

Stop for dinner in Rockville, Nebraska's LOBSTER CAPITAL |
Amazing Nebraska Museums
Nebraska is full of history and culture and this is reflected in the dozens of museums around the state. From
the nationally recognized Strategic Air and Space Museum, Joslyn Art Museum, and Lincoln's Morril Hall to the lesser
known Museum of Fur Trading, Sod House Museum and the Liar's Hall of Fame there is something for everyone in Nebraska.

Features famous, infamous, and other colorful Nebraskans, including the man who invented Kool-Aid,
Dick "Two Gun" Hart, the brother of Al Capone, and the nation's first spree killer, Charles Starkweather.
Nebraskans in the Civil War? You betcha! Find out how to become a re-enactor! This and other information
on interesting events that have happened in Nebraska.

They say if you don't like the weather in Nebraska, wait ten minutes...blizzards, floods, drought, Nebraska is a land
of strange weather. Located in "Tornado Alley", Nebraska may be best known for it's severe summer storms which often
spawn devestating twisiers.

The biggest, the smallest, the longest, the first, the only--Nebraska
is full of extremes--and strangeness! World records, National records, and other lesser known state trivia that will
make you the life of any party...(provided everyone at the party is drunk!)

Worlds Largest Ball of Stamps-Boys Town, NE |
Nebraska is the happiest state in the U.S.!
Nebraska ghost stories, hauntings, and spooky places. Also a link to Nebraska Haunting Investigators
webpage and many other local Ghost Hunters.
Lake monters, giant birds, and Bigfoot--oh my! Nebraska is home to more than just cattle--read all about it here!
Seven sightings from Nebraska reported to the Bigfoot Researchers Organization PLUS Did Nebraska
serial killer Charles Starkweather see Bigfoot near his Lincoln boyhood home?

NEW cattle mutilation stories!

This page features some of Nebraska's unsolved crimes and cold cases. There is also a link to the NEBRASKA MISSING PERSONS page which list just a few of the dozens of missing Nebraskans.
The Mafia in Omaha Nebraska? Read all about it here--then fugeddaboudit!! Interesting stories and lesser known historical
facts from Nebraska's biggest city!

Links to interesting Nebraska websites including cities, groups, clubs, museums, musical groups and many more!

Huskermania is a serious mental disorder. |