The Ball Cemetery began as a family cemetery and its oldest grave marker is dated 1869. Over the years, the cemetery
grew to include individuals such as William "Rattlesnake Pete" Liddiard, a United States Marshal and implement dealer, who
left his home of Springfield, Nebraska to join up with William “Buffalo Bill” Cody. He had a large handle bar
mustache and became known as one of the fastest “on the draw” of all the U.S. Marshals. When he later died on
the West coast, his body was brought back to Ball Cemetery for burial.
Various apparitions have been seen at Ball
Cemetery. The ghost of a tall, male figure has been seen walking around the cemetery after dark. This ghostly apparition is
known to have a rather bad temper, and there have even been reports of phantom, physical attacks dealt to some of the people
who dare to visit this cemetery late at night. Other visitors have found unexplainable bruises on their arms and legs after
entering the cemetery. Could this be the work of Rattlesnake Pete?
Another spirit roaming this cemetery by night is
thought to be Mary Mumford, one of Ball Cemetery’s interred residents. Visitors have reported hearing the faint voice
of a woman emanating from somewhere in the cemetery and some have even felt their clothing being tugged, followed by a woman's
More strange happenings at Ball Cemetery include those who say they have witnessed headstones tipping over
and then rising back up on their own, and strange ectoplasm mists appearing in photographs taken among the gravesites.
beware! Ball Cemetery is guarded by its next door neighbors, who won't think twice about brandishing a shotgun if they catch
you hanging out at this cemetery in the middle of the night.

Salt Pillars |
The Salt Witch of Nebraska
A pillar of snowy salt once stood on the Nebraska plain, about forty miles above the point where the
Saline flows into the Platte, and white men used to hear of it as the Salt Witch.
A Native American tribe was for a long time quartered at the junction of the rivers, its chief a man
of blood and muscle in whom his people gloried, but so fierce, withal, that nobody made a companion of him except his wife,
who alone could check his tigerish rages.
In sooth, he loved her so well that on her death he became a recluse and shut himself within his lodge, refusing to see
anybody. This mood endured with him so long that mutterings were heard in the tribe and there was talk of choosing another
chief. Some of this talk he must have heard, for one morning he emerged in war-dress, and without a word to any one strode
across the plain to westward.
On returning a full month later he was more communicative and had something unusual
to relate. He also proved his prowess by brandishing a belt of fresh scalps before the eyes of his warriors, and he had also
brought a lump of salt.
He told them that after traveling far over the prairie he had thrown himself on the earth to
sleep, when he was aroused by a wailing sound close by. In the light of a new moon he saw a hideous old woman brandishing
a tomahawk over the head of a younger one, who was kneeling, begging for mercy, and trying to shake off the grip from her
throat. The sight of the women, forty miles from the village, so surprised the chief that he ran toward them. The younger
woman made a desperate effort to free herself, but in vain, as it seemed, for the hag wound her left hand in her hair while
with the other she raised the axe and was about to strike.
At that moment the chief gained a view of the face of the younger woman-it was that of his dead wife. With a snarl of wrath
he leaped upon the hag and buried his own hatchet in her brain, but before he could catch his wife in his arms the earth had
opened and both women disappeared, but a pillar of salt stood where he had seen this thing. For years the Native Americans maintained that the column was under the custody of the Salt Witch, and when they went there to gather salt they
would beat the ground with clubs, believing that each blow fell upon her person and kept her from working other evil.

Cedar Creek, NE
This property is known as Cedar Creek's oldest surviving building, and it was built in 1875. Rumors say that it may have
been used as a hospital and also as a house of ill repute at one time or another. It is known that it was used as a school,
which closed down in the 1960's, and then became a hair salon, for a brief period of time, in the 1970's. It's current owner,
Brandon S., who lives across from the old school house, now uses the building solely for storage.
One of the reports
of paranormal activity include witnesses hearing babies cries in the basement of the building. The outside of the school has
been reported to be very active as well.
It should be noted that the old schoolhouse is located on private property
and permission is required to even enter the area surrounding the building. 'No Trespassing' signs are clearly posted at the
entrance to the property.

AURORA - Witches Grave (picture below)
In the 1800's, in Aurora NE., a woman
was accused of being a witch. It was readily believed to be true, and she was burned at the stake or hanged. Before
she died, she swore to get revenge on those responsible for her demise. She said nobody would be able to keep her in
the grave and she would come back and haunt all of the townspeople.
After she died, she was buried
at the far corner of the cemetary with a big headstone to remind everyone about the dangers of witchcraft. Four iron
poles were put at the corners of her grave. Chains were strung between and across them. The next day, someone
noticed that the chains were broken. Everyone felt a little uneasy now. The chains were fixed. A few days
later they were broken again. Today, they just hang there, not connected across the top of the grave anymore.
Directions: At
the intersection of Highway 14 and Highway 30 in Aurora, there is a park with a cemetary just to the north.. Go north past
the park and turn left on the gravel road next to the cemetary. Witch's grave is in the far northwest corner.

SPRING RANCH - The Story of the Haunted Bridge
In 1885, two of Spring Ranch's townspeople,
Tom Jones and his sister Elizabeth Taylor (widowed), were at odds with their neighbors. This was due to thier cattle
getting into other neighbor's wheat and cornfields. This and a few other things had caused simmering tensions for quite
some time. Most of their neighbors couldn't tollerate them anymore. Consequently, Tom and Elizabeth also started to not
feel safe. So, they bought a shotgun. They were the only ones in town with a shotgun (others had rifles).
One day a wagon of a few men were down on the Little Blue River cutting timber. Elizabeth claimed the land
was hers, and sent her hired ranch hands to chase them down. All of a sudden, someone heard a shot, and Elizabeth was
seen running toward her house. One of the wagon drivers was dead, with half his head missing (obviously from a shotgun
It would be many months before a judge would be by to conduct a trial, so the townspeople took justice into their
own hands. They snuck into her house while she was away and took her shotgun. They came back later to get her
and her brother, they wouldn't be able to shoot at them with no gun. They were captured and their hands were tied behind
their backs. They were marched down toward the river, where hangman's nooses were hung from the bridge over the Little
Blue River. They were put on horses on a sandbar in the river. The nooses were tightened around their necks, and a gun
was fired to scare the horses. The horses took off and left Tom and Elizabeth hanging to die. Some say that the gun
that was fired was Elizabeth's shotgun.
Elizabeth was the only woman to ever be lynched in Nebraska. There is still a bridge over the Little Blue River
in this same spot (just south of the townsite). It's old, but probably not all original. The bridge is said to
be haunted by their ghosts. On a eeirly silent night on the Nebraska prarie, it is said you can hear some of the events
that palyed out on and under the bridge that fateful day in 1885.
Directions: To get to Spring Ranch, you can start out in Hastings or Aurora (if visiting Kronborg and
Witch's grave). From Hastings, take Highway 281 south about 10 miles to Highway 74. Take Highway 74 east (left
turn) about 6 to 8 miles. When you cross into Clay county, it's just 2 miles into the county. When you get
to the county road two miles in, take a right and go 1 1/2 to 2 miles to Spring Ranch. If you go a very short distance
further east on Highway 74, you will see the historical marker telling the story of Spring Ranch.
If you come from Aurora, take Highwas 14 south 6 miles past Clay Center to Highway 74 (about 33 miles to Highway
74). Take a right at Highway 74 and head west. It's approximately 10 to 12 miles to the historical marker
on the south side of the highway (your left). At the next gravel road, past the marker, take a left and go 1 1/2 to
2 miles south to Spring Ranch. The haunted bridge is just a 1/4 mile south of the townsite.

Alliance Theatre |
ALLIANCE- Alliance Theater
Employees have reported seeing shadowy figures, hearing footsteps running down the aisles, and feeling uneasy. According
to owner Gerald Bullard, when these phenomena appear, "It's just a friendly ghost." Believed to be haunted by a female ghost some call "Mary".
Mary was an excellent actress, she performed every act with skill. But for one show it was curtain time for
the last time. Mary was playing in a love story, she played as the bride. It was near a happy ending for the performance,
or so they thought. She walked up to the stage when tragedy struck. One of the light fixtures fell on top of Mary. The angel
of death has claimed a victim. She died of the immense weight and electric shock. To this day, after hours, he spirit roams
the stage waiting for the applause of her fans.

CROFTON- Argo Hotel
It is said that in this location of Crofton Nebraska a yong girl had died in the basement and people can still see her
ghost, and being it used to be a mental institution, there are tales of hearing moaning from the rooms, and when a crofton
residence was tearing down a wall in the "lounge" he found a babys skeleton, and some say that they can hear the mother whaling
for her baby. Some people say that they sometimes see the pictures move.

VALENTINE- Centennial Hall
In Valentine, the oldest school building still standing in the state of Nebraska is called Centennial Hall, which is now
considered a member of the National Registry of Historic Places. Today, the hall is a museum where people can visit the site
from the late spring to the early part of autumn. In the mid 1940s, a girl attending the school became poisoned and suffered
a heart attack. The local legend in town involved the poisoned of her clarinet reed as the reason behind her death.
Over the years, a collection of former teachers spoke of cold drafts, odd noises, and a weird feeling whenever they entered
the school building. For a brief moment, a teacher who wished to remain unknown believed that he had encountered an apparition
for a couple of seconds. Many people in town swear they have heard sounds coming out of the old music room even though the
school hasn’t been used as a school since 1978. There aren't even any instruments left on the premises.
Additional oddities associated with Centennial Hall include the rocking of a chair when no one is around and cold spots
in the building. Some people have reported seeing chimes move from within the building.

TAKAMAH -The Jeep house
Before the current owners moved in they were told that it was a haunted house. One couple even backed out of their contract
after signing, because they too said it was haunted. The people who live their now, hear and see things often. Such as hearing
squeaky footsteps when no one else is around, loud banging ( with no explanation as to what). Younger children have woke up
screaming and pointing, while trembling in the night. Lights have flicked on and off, channels on the television change on
their own. Their was even an incident where a plastic drawer, flew off of a shelf that had been on the shelf for 2 years.
Doors are known to mysteriously open even when firmly shut. The house has a lot of history. Including the original owner having
her funeral at the house. A psychic and a Catholic priest has said the house has a friendly spirit and it means no harm.
Submitted by a web page visitor 4-09

SEWARD - Concordia University
Concordia University located in Seward has student housing called David Dorm,
which is believed to serve as the haunting spot of ghostly Native Americans. The dorm was constructed during the 1970s and
at the time – bones were uncovered. The remains were turned over to researchers for an analysis and learned that they
dated back to the 1700s. Maps of the area at that time suggest that the bone belonged to the local Native Americans. The permission
to continue building on the land was given by the city, but they had to make sure to hand over all the remains found.
Since then, odd occurrences have been known to take place, including the unexplainable actions of electrical equipment,
such as curling irons, computers, and blow dryers. These items and more have been known to turn on unexpectedly. It its the
belief that the Native Americans are upset with Concordia for building on top of a burial ground. Ever since 1976, the students
have submitted a handful of oddball reports attributed to 'angry spirits.'

Morey Hall is haunted by a young girl who attended there in the late 1970's. She is seen walking down the hallway of the
first floor late at night. She is also seen playing the piano. The Willow Bowl is also a location where many figures are seen
among the trees. The chapel at WSC is also said to be haunted by a girl's spirit. At night, you can see the figure of a young
woman with long dark hair walking the grounds. When you approach her, she disappears.
from website "Ghosts of America"

Occasionally a phenomena is observed by fishermen on the Logan Creek south of Pender. The area is where the old train trestle
crossed the Logan as it bends to the south and east. A dark area appearing as a smudge against the background can occasionally
be observed as if suspended over the Logan creek, where the trestle once stood. You first notice it in your peripheral vision
as it moves over the creek to the west and stops at midpoint of the creek. Old timers tell of the early 1900's when a train
was stopped by a team of vigilantes, who dragged a man from the train and hung him to death from the trestle. It was said
he was a hired hand who had murdered the farm family he worked for.
from the website "Ghosts of America"

I have lived in Platte Center NE for the last 20 years of my life. I have become quite the historian of this little town
I call home. not only can I verify some of these stories, but I can contribute my own. In the early 1900's 3 young men dug
a small cave into the bed of a creek running south of the town. The unstable soil gave way and buried all 3 alive...none survived.
Late at night, the ghosts of the 3 can be seen in the creek bed digging with their shovels by lantern light. After a brief
moment of observation, the team looks up as if caught off guard by something. It is said that they are enacting their last
moments of life before being buried alive. In some instances, the creek has been said to rise and become unexpectedly violent
with no logical explanation.
from the website "Ghosts of America"

Eight miles north of Decatur, Nebraska, on the Omaha Indian
Reservation, is a hill overlooking the Missouri River. At its summit is a mound of dirt nearly 45 feet high marking
the burial place of the great Omaha Indian Chief Blackbird. The honored Indian Chief was buried here sitting upright
on his favorite horse. Back in 1804, Lewis and Clark visited this gravesite, leaving behind decorations to commemorate
Hill is said to be haunted and every year dozens of people gather at the site, on October 17th. However,
it is not the ghost of Chief Blackbird who lingers here, but rather, that of a young woman who was murdered upon this hill
more than a century and a half ago.

Blackbird Hill-Chief Blackbird's
Burial Grounds photo by Rudi Holnsteiner
The story begins with a young couple
back east who had fallen in love in the early 1840s. When the boy finished his schooling, his plans were to travel abroad
for a time and then return to marry the young girl. However, the boy never returned from his trip abroad. The
devastated young girl waited for several years, but she finally gave him up for dead and married another man. Soon,
the newlyweds headed west, eventually settling in northeast Nebraska,
atop Blackbird Hill.
On October 17, 1849, the young girl was
astounded when she saw her old fiancé walking up the winding path from the Missouri River to her small cabin. He
too was surprised, having no idea that she lived there.
Overjoyed to see him, she confessed that
she had never stopped loving him and only married the other man because she thought he was dead. He then began to convey
the tale of his previous years. When traveling abroad, he was shipwrecked but managed to survive. However, it
took him almost five years to get back to America. When he arrived home he was saddened to find that his mother had
died and his fiancée had married another man and moved west. Setting out to find her, he joined a wagon train and headed
for California, searching everywhere along the way for his long lost love.
By the time he reached the west coast
he had failed to find her and heartbroken, he began the long journey home traveling along the Missouri River. Landing
one day at the foot of Blackbird Hill, he saw the winding path up the slope and decided to follow it. That’s when
fate intervened and brought the long lost pair back together.
The girl told him that when her husband
returned home, she would tell him that she wished to be released from her marriage vows so they could leave together the next
morning. Giving the couple time to discuss the situation the young man hid in the nearby woods. When the woman’s
husband returned home, she explained the situation but he did not want her to leave and at first, begged her to stay.
When she refused, he began to get angry and soon ended up attacking her with his hunting knife. Screaming, she fell
to the floor. The husband then dropped the knife and gathered up his bleeding wife. With her in his arms he ran
to the cliff at the top of the hill and jumped with her into the river far below.
Giving chase, you young man arrived at the hill just in time to see the man leap
from the summit and to hear the woman’s final scream of agony. Collapsing with grief, the young man began to wander
the hills aimlessly until he was finally found ragged and half starved by a group of Omaha Indians. Delirious and unable
to speak, the Indians carried the man back to their village, where he stayed until he could recover enough to travel.
Today, the path from the cabin to the cliff edge is barren. Even more than
150 years later, no plant life will grow on the path that led to the woman’s death. And, according to the legend,
each year on October 17th, the woman’s chilling screams can be heard at the top of the hill. Over the years, dozens
of people have reportedly heard her cries of terror.
The Omaha Indian Reservation is located
in northeastern Nebraska, just west of Highway 75. Blackbird Hill is eight
miles north of Decatur along the Missouri River. The
hill itself is inside the Omaha reservation and not open to the public, but you can climb a nearby scenic overlook to view
the river below. |

LINCOLN - Robber's Cave
Robber's Cave is located in southwest Lincoln near the intersection of 10th Street and High. The area
around the cave in largely made up of sandstone. Through the years, water has seeped through the cracks in the rock
and eroded it away in places. This has created large underground caves and tunnels. The caves and tunnels are
very deep and very long.
Robber's Cave became known in the early days by the Pawnee Indians. They called it Pahuk Bluff.
They used to come here to contact the spirit, Tirawa, the god of all things. They also would go into the caves to learn
about their animal powers, healing plants, hold initiations and carry out ceremonies. This place was very spititual
place for them and they held it in high regard. The Pawnee were removed from the area in 1858.
In the early 1860's it was used as a stop on the Underground Railroad. This is also plausable
due to the fact that John Brown's cave (yes, the famous abolishonist) in Nebraska City (50 miles away) has been a proven stop
on the Underground Railroad. In 1876, it is said that Jesse James hid out here after a robbery. But this is just
some of the interesting stories to do with the cave. The main stories to do with the caves and tunnel being haunted,
have to do, in part, with its location. It is situated very close to the state penitentiary and Hospital for the Insane.
In early years, many convicts and patients found ways into the tunnel system through the basements, These tunnels were
said to extend in all directions for miles around. Many inmates and patients either found their way to freedom or died
in the tunnels. Soon the tunnels were found and sealed off from the penitentary and hospital sides.
When inside the caves and tunnels, it is said that you can hear Indian chanting and drumming.
Also to be heard are screams, cries, laughing, and voices. You can also hear many whispering and muffled voices.
Many accounts and descriptions of the cave exist today (it has been sealed off now). Robber's Cave used to
be owned by a little old lady. You would have to knock on her door to get permission to go in (and pay a fee).
She would unlock the big door on the cave and let you inside. Once inside, a rickedity old stairway led down 150 feet.
There was an electrical line with light bulbs hung through some of the tunnels and corridors. The lights were spaced
so far apart, that you would be in almost total darkness between lights. They weren't in every tunnel either, they were
only in some of the tunnels closer to the entrance. Shortly after leaving the stairs behind, the tunnel would curve.
You would have to watch out for the "Well," a 200 foot plunge into total darkness caused by groundwater seepage for centuries.
It is at the "Well" that you could be guaranteed to find hundreds of bats just waiting to take flight. They could be
found elsewhere in the network, but they could always be found here.
Many other passages wound throught the network. As you went through many of these tunnels, water was constantly
dripping from above. But the eerie thing about it is that the water was blood red. The bats were always flying
about, just missing your face by inches. One of the chambers, almost rarely seen by people in the tunnels, was Robber's
Roost. You would have to climb upwards through five feet of narrow openings to get into it. It was a vast
chamber and was hidden from view by a rock face in the main tunnel. This chamber was different from the rest of the
chambers, it was dry and had a thick layer of sand on the floor. In this cavern, there was a small natural chimney with
a firepit below it. It was here that Jesse James was said to have hidden out. Thge chamber used to extend
much further, but one end of the room had been blocked off by a wall of bricks, block and concrete. It is here that
the tunnels were said to run for miles and connect to the state penitentary and state hospital for the insane. If you
pressed your ear to this wall, you could always hear the voices, cries and screams. They were usually faint, but must
have echoed through the countless passages.
Robber's Cave had been open to the public off and on for many years. In the 1970's it was closed
down for the first time. In 1985, it was opened again, but only for a few short years. The openings have now been
sealed off and the area has been developed (a Subway restaurant now stands very near the original entrance). There is
no longer access into the network of tunnels. Or at least, that is what is said. Through that vast network of tunnels,
there must be another entrance somwhere in the surrounding area.

LAKE WAKONDA - Hannah's Ghost/Grave
This story takes place right outside of Lake Waconda, Nebraska (or WaConDa). It is near Union,
Nebraska in eastern Cass County (couple miles from the Missouri River). In the 1800's a young girl named Hannah, age
16, became pregnant. Her parents were not pleased with this fact. When it came time to have the baby, she delivered
it at home. Her mother took it immeadaitely and is said to have drowned the baby in the Missouri River. She later
told Hannah that it was stillborn. Hannnah was heart broken. She is said to have died of a broken heart.
Regardless of how she died, she lived only for a short while after giving birth.
Her parents laid her to rest in one of their fields. On many nights, it is said that you can hear
Hannah crying out for her baby. You can also see a dim lantern like light floating around in the darkness of the area
fields. It is also said that when it snows, no snow touches her grave.

This site in Nebraska is haunted by spirits of Cheyenne Indians. It is located
in the very northwest corner of Nebraska on the old Deadwood-Cheyenne Trail. It is the site a battle by the 5th U.S.
Cavalry with the Cheyenne Indians. The battle took place in mid July of 1876. The Cheyenne had just heard about
the demise of General George Armstrong Custer. They decided to leave the reservation and return to their homelands in
the Black Hills. The U.S. Cavalry was intructed to cut them off and send them back to the reservation. It is at
this site that Buffalo Bill Cody killed a warrior named Yellow Hand. After the killing, he took his war bonnet, and
later displayed it at many of his wild west shows through the years. In the battle here, the Cheyenne were massacred.
It is said that at this site you can see phantom Cheyenne Indians creeping slowly through the tall prarie grass. You
can also hear their whispering, sometimes hear gun shots and see a wierd green mist swirling around the monument area.

Alexandria - Alexandria Cemetery- As your leaving the town, right after you pass the cemetery, a shadowy covered
wagon follows you all the way to the highway. It stays right behind you even if you go 90mph. Beemer - Canyon
Road - Go up to the golf course and keep going on the gravel road right in front of it. And stop on the corner where
you can see the graveyard. At 12:35 in the morning shut your lights off and honk your horn 3 times and when you turn on your
lights again there should a better ghostly figure of a man standing in front of your car. Bellevue - Bellevue
East High School - there is paranormal activity there, a number of other people have witnessed supernatural things in
that school. Doors of the theater and number of doors on the second door suddenly burst open. Seeing a specter on the stages
cat walk. Ghostly images in mirrors of bathrooms. Yet, there is not any information to say who or what these apparitions are.
College Heights - Housing Area(downtown) - a house in that area is known to be buried on a Indian burial ground.
Reports of unexplained noises and events. Owner would wake up to see what?s to be a spirit looking at her then would disappear.
Things would go crashing to the ground, when owner would be by her self in a different room. History books in fact show area
is built near Indian burial sight.
Fairview Street - There are many different things around Fairview. 1 Fairview
School, as seen on this page. Too many people have seen cars drive by with NO driver. 3 Streetlights flash with no one around.
As you can see, you shouldn?t drive or go to school at Fairview.
Gilbert Pool - There's a haunting in the
office at Gilbert Pool, sights of ghosts. If you lock the door and come back everything will be all over the place in the
office even when the door is still locked.
Jewel Park - Numerous accounts of sounds, extra footprints in the dirt, when you are alone, thick mist on a clear
night, being chased by something or someone that isn't there. Animal sounds, when no animals have been on the property in
6 months to year. Figures of people, when no one else is there, objects show up in some places and gone by the time you turn
around. One witness reports being ran over by something, but no one is near, whispering, rodeo sounds from the old rodeo stands.
John Rice Library - During the night (and sometimes during the day) you can feel see and hear the entities
of a old man and a little girl. The girl is about 10 and has dark brown hair parted in the middle and roundish glasses that
look big for her face. Most don't get a real good look at her, but the see her in their peripheral vision. The man has been
seen crouching down over books, but his face has never been seen. Employees report feeling poking on their back when there's
never anyone or anything there to explain it.
Bellwood - Bellwood Elementary - At night, you'll see
what appears to be a severely burned young woman standing in the library window, there are also cold and hot spots, strange
sounds. You'll put something somewhere one night, it'll be gone or moved the next morning. Late nights, inside the building,
the halls will be filled with the sound of jingling keys, but there's no source of the sound, you'll see shadows moving up
and down the halls.
Blair - Dana College - Argo Hall - This is the oldest building on the Dana Campus.
There have been numerous reports of objects moving, televisions and radios turning on and off and changing channels by themselves,
doors opening and closing, and an unseen hand touching people.
Dana College - Charles A. Dana Hall of Science
- It's said that people in the labs late at night have turned around to find a pitch-black, shadowy figure standing in the
doorway. In addition, the cause of a mysterious false fire alarm causing the sprinklers to come on and flood the building
in the summer of 1999 remains unexplained. Many say it was an angry or mischievous ghost.
Dana College - Elkhorn
Hall - Ghost haunts 4th floor where in the 1930's he hung himself. Reports say the ghost whispers "shut up" to people
and the room that he died in is colder than other rooms next to it. Sometimes the sound of football cleats can be heard running
down the hall
Dana College - Madsen Fine Arts Center - In the Fine Arts building, there are often reports
of phantom piano music coming from empty rooms, as well as a cold 'visitor' in the basement dressing area. In addition, a
dark figure has been seen darting down the aisles in the empty theater.
Brownville - Captain's museum
- Many people in this area have seen a ghost playing the piano in the old library. Others have just heard the piano playing
late at night.
Chadron - Old Main Street Inn - This neat old bed & Breakfast/Restaurant, Bar is
haunted by a friendly spirit that the Owners call (Jack). Guests and employees have heard footsteps on the stairs when no
one is there. objects have been moved from their original position. One couple who recently stayed there had placed a water
glass by their bed side table. The next morning when they awoke they were surprised to find the water glass sitting on a counter
in another room.
Clatonia - Boyscout Lake - Woman figure seen walking around and an evil growling
noise can be heard. Story has it she froze to death looking for her family in a blizzard. Her and Her family used to live
on the grounds and one morning she had sent her kids out to help her husband with the farm chores and the weather increasing
got worse as the time had passed. Worried, she went outside to look for her family and ended up freezing to death. Her family
ended up taking shelter in the barn and had survived. (*Note The trees leading up to the lake seem to grow together and never
seem to have many leaves)
Columbus - Columbus High School - Rumors of a teacher once died of a heart
attack around 50 years ago after school. Janitors often hear doors slamming and machinery turning on late at night as their
shifts are ending.
The Glowing Graveyard - This graveyard is located way out north in the boonies of Columbus.
Supposedly on a full moon the headstones are supposed to "glow", but most believe that this is just the cause of the limestone
in the rock being reflected by the moon. Right beside the graveyard is a bridge in which according to a myth a bus full of
kids rolled off the bridge and died. Supposedly if you put powder all over your car and drive over it in neutral you can see
the handprints from children, or if you turn your car off in the middle of the bridge, your car won't start again.
- it is suspected that hyvee is haunted by a ghost named scooter. he is about 5"6' and appears to have brown hair. he comes
out around 2 and people have said to hear screeching noises in the back room close to the dairy produce section. employees
have reported this to management but they have thought nothing of it up until about 2 months ago the manager had a akward
encounter with this suspected ghost.
Scotus Central Catholic High School - This school has existed for over
a hundred years and is believed to be haunted by several spirits. A nun, a small boy, and a former student are said to roam
the halls of this educational institution. To add to the story, there are tunnels under the school that ghost hunters were
brought in to investigate in 1980. Several presences were found. There have even been accounts of teachers quitting because
of the disturbances.
Shell Creek School -2 miles east - first road to the west of Twister's or around 2 miles
east of Shell Creek School, When you take the road and are heading north you will go over this little hill. On top of the
hill, sometimes you will see around 5-6 orange lights near the creek. They do not have the shine around them such as incandescent.
We suspect it to be fires. Then you will go a little ways out and see a diesel tank to run the irrigation systems. Follow
the road to the left. At this point it gets very narrow. Keep following the road. You will come across another diesel tank
that says "Stay Out". If you chose to go past this, following up to the left is a large bump/rising in the road and you rise
slightly in elevation. There will be many stacks of old pipes here. There will be no real good place to turn around so you
might have to do some 3-point turns. Honk your horn when you think you can't go any farther on the road. The horn should sound
very distant, not like it was coming from your engine, almost as if it was coming from all around you.
Old Shockey/Penfield
House - In the upstairs of the house, door will open when they were shut and locked, lights dim and flicker. Strange
sounds--Is said to be "haunted" by the late Keith Penfield, who died there unexpectedly one morning. The basement also gives
off unusual sounds, and you feel like someone's watching you while you sleep, also if you walk around the house when it's
dark, you'll see mysterious shadows around the house.
Wal-Mart - the girls bathroom by the layaway room has
been haunted for about 3 years...witnesses hear the water faucet turning on to find no one there.
Curtis -
Curtis College - Dorm Rooms - it is said that the Curtis College dorm rooms are haunted by a guy that hung himself
because he was made fun of. it is said that he walks around the halls at night and whistles and makes fun of people and pounds
on the floor and doors and people go out and see and there is no one there!
Darr - Darr Bridge - If
you pass over this bridge at midnight on a foggy winter's night and look in your rearview mirror you will see a pioneer woman
who was killed on this bridge. Some say that she is in a covered wagon and some say that she is walking and looking for her
son that died. Not all that go will see her, so be patient.
Dorchester - Gilbert's Graveyard - Haunted
graveyard by the Gilbert family who were pioneers in the 1890's. Strange noises and the movement of the tombstone are just
the tip of this sight.
High School boiler room - A kid once locked himself down in the boiler room and died.
Janitors her someone yelling during the night and they go down there and don't see any one.
Fremont - Midland
Lutheran College - Theater above the student union is haunted by what was a caretaker from way back. Strange noises and
eerie feelings abound.
Hastings - Hastings College - The ghost of another music professor has been
seen in human form and as a floating light in the music building named for him. Lights have been turned on and off, as well
as sightings of him walking the halls late at night.
Hastings College - Altman Hall of Hastings College -
Altman hall is said to be haunted by Clara Altman. She is a good ghost who protects the students staying there. You hear knocking
on doors lights turn on and off and radios turned on in the middle of the night.
Homer - Layde's Grave - pronounced
"Lottie" - on the gravel road you see lights, also see lights coming from inside the grave yard. If you put a can of pop on
the grave, try to pick it up and you will not be able to. When you finally can, the can will be empty. Other things are said
to happen. - Septermber 2004 additional information: Another story known by the locals was that she fell in love with another
man and her jealous husband or lover killed them and threw their bodies from a bluff into the river. If you called on her
she was supposed to appear in the trees in white. Supposedly you could hear her crying at night.
Kearney -
Conrad Hall - The Hall was built in the late 1950s and used to house the KSC chapter of the Alpha Omicron Pi sorority. The
ghost, named Stella after one of the AOPi founding sisters is said to haunt the west end of the third floor rooms, particularly
room 318. The ghost appears at night, sitting in students' chairs, as well as on their beds. Sometimes, students wake up unable
to open their eyes or roll over in bed because the ghost is said to be sleeping next to them. Chairs are often found drug
across the tile floors in front of the mirrors. Lights are found turned on in vacant rooms that have remained locked, and
the ghost also is said to turn on water in the bathrooms, where students find it running.
Knox County-Danny Liska's intriguing stories from Knox County, Nebraska, include tales of monsters, ghosts, UFOs, Bigfoot,
and the "Little People." Liska's Bigfoot Ranch was the setting of a Metaphysical Institute tapping into the "cosmic energy
produced there by the confluence of the Missouri and Niobrara rivers and the Bazile, Ponca, and Verdigre creeks." Liska is
best known for his early 1960s motorcycle trip from the northern tip of Alaska to the southernmost tip of South America, chronicled
in his book, Two Wheels to Adventure.
Krakow (near Genoa) - Krakow Church - There was an old convent there that was torn down years ago. If you go out there
on a full moon and drive past the church going south some say you can still see the convent there. Also seen a figure hanging
and swaying.
Lincoln - Antelope Park - Near the memorial, behind the care takers house, there is a field where
numerous sightings of figures have been seen, walking across into the trees.
Hobbittsville House - ghost of a girl
who died there haunts the property.
Friendship Manor - Smell cigar smoke at times(no smoking allowed) This is a women?s
shelter. History there that a man hung himself there .
Lake Street Lake - What used to be the sight of a small dairy
farm, was turned into a skating rink where many of Lincoln's youth came. After numerous accidental deaths, the most famous
being of a little boy killed by a group of bully's, the Lake was drained and is now a deep grassy area. But the original tree
still stands from the original dairy farm, and on winter nights, reporting of ghost sightings near the creek that once led
into the lake have exploded since.
Nebraska Weslyan College - The ghost of a music professor has been seen and heard
frequently in the old music building on the Nebraska Weslyan College campus. The professor was an organ instructor, the organ
can be heard late at night , and sometimes can be seen sitting at or near the organ. The ghost has also been seen and heard
at the apartment where the professor lived.
Old Captain's Studio - haunted by The Captain who use to live there.
Indoor Racing - 3 months after it opened the owner was walking down the hall and saw a person run across the room way ahead
of him. He went after it and it was gone. Also, bells were once heard ringing and a broom caught on fire in the storeroom
when no one was there.
The Capitol Building - is haunted by the maintenance man that changed the light bulb on top
fell and died now haunts the fourteenth floor. The storage levels the stairs that lead up to them are haunted by a worker
that worked there way back in the day she was afraid of heights but to do her job for the money cause she was poor. she climbed
them anyway got dizzy and the stairs are so narrow and the rail is so short she fell of the twelfth floor and is now seen
as a fog falling past you in the middle of the rotating stairs but when you look down them you can't see her.
of Nebraska - The Temple Building - A worker fell from the rafters during construction early in the 1900's and was killed
as he hit the stage floor. People have heard a noise followed by a crashing sound from the stage. As they come to investigate,
there is no one there or anything out of place. A misty figure of a worker in old style clothes has also been seen. - February
2004 update: The ghost's name is Clara and they recently put an office in for her (Clara's Office) With a piano and many different
instruments. If you're alone in the building you can hear her playing the organ.
Washington Street - Apparently there
was a little boy back in the day who was on one of the four corners on Washington Street. There was a car full of gang members
in the car and shot the little boy on one of the corners. They say that if you come across one of the corners you hear the
little boy scream and a brush of wind hit across your body.
Loup City - Jenner's Park - If you go down to Jenner's
Park at night, the sound of children laughing can be heard. The park used to be a zoo and the stone-earthen cages still remain
which adds to the creepy feelings aroused there.
Malcolm - Fern Westfall Library - After dark, apparitions
can be seen of Fern Westfall, the founder of the school, knocking books off of the shelves. Reports also state that a portrait
of her in the elementary cafeteria contains roaming eyes that follow curious, staring students.
Maxwell - Plumer
Street House - Residents have heard baby cries, have seen an empty rocking chair begin rocking by itself; one resident says
he's seen a young woman dressed in white in the chair, a thudding noise on the stairs at night, and have seen the naked light
bulb swinging back and forth by itself in the upstairs front bedroom. Upon further examination of the source of these sounds,
several hidden walkways between each of the upstairs rooms were found. Lights flickered on and off. Some of the stories is
a young boy had fallen down the stairs and broke his neck on his way to use the outhouse in the middle of the night...an infant
child died in her crib in an upstairs room and the mother held the dead baby in her arms and rocked her until she was discovered...another
young boy hung himself from a light cord in the front upstairs bedroom...a woman and her lover fought and one was killed in
the area where my mom's room was(it was a parlor before we moved in).
Nebraska City - 7 Sisters Road -
Legend is a man hung each one of his sisters on each of the 7 hills. Only about 3 or 4 good hills remain, but there are a
lot of strange happenings at night. Cars will stall, headlights will shut off, and screaming can be heard. Also many OLD ghost
buildings still exist. The Camp Creek Cemetery is also well know for being haunted. Located in same area, about 3 miles South
of Nebraska City.
Super China Buffet - There have been many restaurants and stores in this old building in historic
Nebraska city in. Nobody is sure who haunts it, some say it?s the ghost of a boy who died and one of the restaurants was named
after him and owned by his parents. Others say its the ghost of the woman who had a antique shop there for many years and
cared dearly for the building. Anyone who spends any amount of time there has seen objects moving, strange sounds, and misplaced
objects. - December 2003 update/correction: the restaurant used to be a place called Bischofs hardware. they were in business
for many. many yeas. A man ran it, there was Minnie Bishof who was the bookkeeper there and she babysat. Mr Bishof ran it
until he died at age 90! His brothers helped too along with his sister Minnie. They were a well respected family in town.
A family renovated the building and named it Scooters after theirson who committed suicide, it was rumored boy is buried close
by where my parents are buried. The boy died well before they opened up the restaurant.
Norfolk - Regional
Center - Local mental institution, there have been visions of people walking the halls, then turning down a dead end hallway
and disappearing. Also many howls, screams, pounding throughout the night.
North Platte - Buffalo Bill Codys'
House - So after on of our concerts in North Platte, my band mates decided to go out to the famous Buffalo Bill Codys? house,
looking up at the window we saw a vision of a little girl. The curtains were moving around while there was no wind, perfectly
clear night. The little girl looked to be glowing around the edges as she moved her hand around.
Dodge Hill Road &
Cemetery - Many of the locals frequent this spot in the winter for its choice sledding, but after dark, only the brave visit
this area. The road takes a few twists and turns and has a sheer drop on either side at some points. Several people have skidded
through the guard rails and plunged to their death. Further along is the infamous cemetery. It is said that if you go there
at night and point your headlights at the statue of Jesus, he will eventually move. Sometimes people can be seen walking through
the tombstones one moment and vanish the next. Phantom animals have also been reported.
Old Fox Theatre - Neville
Center for the Performing Arts - Every Theatre has its ghosts, and this one is no exception. In the Balcony, specifically
in the area of the Lighting booth, people have had "unexplainable" encounters with something. Usually, it happens as a sudden
drop in temperature. Sometimes people have actually felt the touch of someone's hand. Everyone who performs there or is in
anyway involved with the Playhouse has heard the stories and knows that he is harmless. Or, at least, he has been so far.
Ogallala - Boot Hill - Boot hill is a cemetery for old cowboys. Many people have seen the ghost of pioneers,
and cowboys roaming around the grave stones at night.
Mansion on the hill - people driving past on west 10th street
have seen lights on in the back room when the museum is closed at night. Museum keepers have also seen a man's figure walking
around during the after noon when only the museum keepers are there.
Omaha - Alpha School - The building can
be empty except for you and the floor will creek and footsteps can be heard. Doors will close for no reason. Strange noises
are always heard.
Brother Sebastian's - "The Regular" Bill Wolcott was an older gentleman who, for years, dined at
Brother Sebastian's almost every evening. Wolcott had his peculiarities: he often dressed in a formal smoking jacket complete
with an ascot tie; he always dined in the lounge, always at the same seat. Unfortunately, Wolcott was stricken with cancer.
Although treatments were painful he continued to dine at Brother Sebastian's, even while he was hospitalized. When Wolcott
became so ill that he could no longer swallow solid food, the kitchen staff pureed his meals for him. At some point during
this time Wolcott began draping a towel over his head while he was in public; but for some reason he was drawn to his favorite
dining spot. Wolcott, it appears, felt so comfortable at Brother Sebastian's that he continues to frequent the restaurant
even after his death. The last report of Wolcott's ghost occurred on the night of the restaurant?s grand re-opening. A woman
seated in one of the back dining rooms complained that someone was staring at her and making her uncomfortable. The "Someone"
to whom she referred was the face of an old man that the woman claimed was in the stones that make up the wall of the room.
Two of the staff also witnessed, late one night after the restaurant was closed and all the doors were locked. They were the
only people inside, they saw a swinging door at the rear of the bar open fully, stopped moving as if someone were walking
through the threshold, and closed. Anyone who has been inside the building knows that a random wind breezing through to swing
doors open and closed is unlikely: Just like the original building (before the 1995 fire), the new structure has no windows.
Sometimes in restaurants an employee closes the establishment one night and opens the business the following morning. More
than one server has stated that a candle that they knew was snuffed out the previous night was burning the next morning.
Park - You go there and you can hear footsteps of people running and the crying of a baby. One witness heard a man screaming
saying,? It?s so cold, help me," and you could swear that you felt a man grab your leg.
Millard North High - There
is a hallway by the south doors where the janitors had a smoking room downstairs. One-day student snuck down there to smoke
a cigarette. He smoked his cigarette and was on his way out. There was told to be a puddle of water by the door and he slipped
and hit his head. He died instantly. It's shut off to students and personal now but if you walk down that hallway you'll smell
stale cigarette smoke and hear a crashing sound underneath you.
O'Hanlon house - footsteps and pounding on the
front door are the main events here.
Omaha South High School - At Omaha South High School, there is a ghost. The ghost's
name is Gus. About 20-25 years ago there was a tornado drill. So everyone had to go to the "Catacombs" as we call them. This
was a part of the building that was built when the performing arts part of the building was built. It was the 50's so it was
built, to be a nuclear fallout shelter. Well during this tornado drill everyone went down to the catacombs. Gus, a janitor
for the Performing Arts part of the building, thought that they would be there for a while. So he went to the "Rat Room" to
get some provisions for everyone. He closed the door behind him, went to get a barrel of food, when it fell on him, and crushed
his head. He was not found until he had been dead for a while. Now Gus still roams the Performing Arts section of the building,
even after it was remolded about 10 years ago. The strange thing is that if you are in a play there and you don't believe
in Gus he will mess you up. As in you mess up your lines, cues, entrances, etc. He also likes to be in the Green Room, which
is right next to the Catacombs; he leaves lights on and open doors.
The White House Apartments - These apartments
used to be an old hospital. It is said that some of the tenents who lived on the main floor has seen a lady in a long white
gown walking the hallway.
O'Neill - O'Neill Cemetery - Sometimes on very late and cold December nights there
is a group of people who stand around in the middle of the cemetery (residents of O'Neill, you know about the place with the
bbq stand) and they sacrifice animals no one knows who they are and sometimes reports of people coming out of their sleep
at their houses near by with blood on their hands and all over their clothes and they wake up in different clothes. Now remember
this is only one persons story so don?t go getting mad if you don?t see them often.
Palmyra - High School -
In the old part of the high school on the 3rd floor there is to be know of a ghost named Willy he was a janitor here in the
high school and the other janitors say that he still roams here and one janitor said that he was vacuuming in one room and
he shut it off and went to another room and when he came back it was running by it self and he was the only janitor in the
school so he thought. Sometimes in the restrooms on 3rd floor the stools would run out of know where and a door will shut
really loud.
Papillion - Pattycakes bakery - reports of oven doors opening by themselves with no one around
. reports of ghosts attacking employees.
Platteview - Fairview Elementary - the land belonged to a farmer who
had his head cut off by his son and he walks with his head in his hands.
Santee - Santee Tribal Office - A
little boy has been seen and heard walking the hallways of the tribal building. Last year a photograph was taken in the Head
Start office and a child's face of a boy was transparent over the face of the child coloring. No other children were in the
room besides the child coloring. The boy appeared to have a bruised up face and his eyes seemed to be bloated.
- Cemetery - Strange lights can be seen from a mausoleum at times, voices have also been heard.
Sky Drive-In Theater
- There has been descriptions of black dogs roaming around one with one eye and one leg missing but when you turn away and
look back they are gone. There has also been reports of things being in place one day and all thrown around the next day.
Scottsbuff - Scottsbluff National monument - There is a female spirit clad in white that walks along the base
of the opposite bluff, around the end of July and beginning of august around midnight or one in the morning. Sometimes you'll
see her, sometimes you won't. A lot of people have besides me...but you got to look closely, and be patient.
- Seward Middle School - Janitors report of several weird things happening in this school. They said that you can hear and
see kids walking up and down the hall ways at night and one of the ghosts actually talks to one of the janitors. The janitor
said that there was a day care center that burned down killing everyone in it, and the new addition of the school was built
on that. In the girls locker rooms, the showers have been seen turning on and off by themselves, the janitors will turn off
the lights and find them back on later that night.
Stanton - Whistlers - Story of guy went crazy killed his
family then hung himself from second bridge. At night you can hear him whistling, because he always sat on the bridge and
whistled while he fished. Some say to have seen him swinging during the late hours of night.
Valley - Valley
High School - Once in what is now the old gym there was a stage that is now the wrestling room and it is said that in 1955
a boy fell from the lighting bridge during the winter concert when he fell one of the Christmas tree props went right through
his back and out his chest. They say now when you go up there that blood will appear on the floor and you can hear a crowd
screaming. At night you can see a boy fall on a tree and then disappear. Don't believe me come to the office and ask to go
to the wrestling room.
Wayne - Wayne State College - Neihardt Hall - which is haunted by Cora, a young lady
that killed herself in the basement. The Lay Theater that is haunted by a very mischievous ghost. The Willow Bowl which is
said to be haunted by a young man that committed suicide there a few years ago. And a young girl who was playing in the tunnels
when her ball rolled into a cubbyhole with bare electrical wires haunts the tunnels between the dorms.
Water - Weeping Water Graveyard - If you go there at night you can see people rising from the graves and if they see you
they might come after you. When they saw me they did and they will attack so beware.
Witch's Bridge - It is said that
many years ago this witch hung herself from the bridge known as Witch's bridge. It is said that if you go out there on an
odd night at an odd hour with an odd number of people and hang your head and top half of your body over the edge of the bridge
you will see yourself hanging or she will pull you under the bridge.
Wilber - Wilber-Clatonia High School -
It's said that a student once fell and died while working on a latter in the auditorium.. People have seen things move and
fall on there own in the 'storage room' (located next to the auditorium). And the auditorium itself is the coldest place in
the building with feelings of someone watching you. Music can be heard coming from the band room and choir room and voices
can be heard also when in the school after dark.
Wilber-Clatonia schools - a kid a while back fell off a ladder and
died in the gym. and ever since the gym has been the coldest place in the school and people still see him walking around the
gym with the ladder he fell off of.
York - East 3rd - there are people yelling and throwing thing down the
street and this happens at midnight
York High School - A teacher was once killed here, and you can see her figure
walking into her room, turning on the lights, and then sits down and messes up all the paper from that day.
Do you know of any Nebraska hauntings? Have you seen a ghost in Nebraska? Let us know so we can post it!
Nebraska Haunting Investigations (with photos)
Great Plains Paranormal Research Society
The Yutan Clan Paranormal Investigators
Grasping Shadows