Deputies investigate UFOs near Jeffrey Lake by Frank Graham (North Platte Bulletin)
- 12/11/2008
Two deputies investigated the sighting of unidentified flying objects in the sky south of Brady Nov. 21, according to Lincoln
County Sheriff Jerome Kramer.
Although both deputies and the man who called to report the lights dancing in the sky observed them for more than 15 minutes,
they could offer no explanation about what they were.
"One deputy, who has an extensive amount of military experience and has witnessed a lot of military maneuvers first hand,
said he’d never seen anything like them," Kramer said. "They could not explain what they were."
A man who lives near Jeffrey Lake reported the lights in the sky to the 911 Center about 7:30 Nov. 21, according to an
LCSO report. A dispatcher reported the call to on-duty deputies, who responded to the call.
Kramer said both deputies observed the lights first hand.
"The report says they first observed a blue light with a red tail fall out of the sky toward a field," Kramer said. "It
stayed stationary for a short time then disappeared."
Kramer said the deputies observed lights that appeared to hover then take off in one direction or another. He said the
deputies reported that they never saw more than three lights together at one time and that there was no sound coming from
Kramer said the deputies reported that the lights were "too fast to be helicopters and too agile to be jet aircraft."
The lights were reported to be blue and white, according to Kramer.
The deputies also reported that one of the lights would occasionally drop directly down toward the earth and then suddenly
rise up again into the sky.
The deputies observed the lights in the southern sky for about 15 minutes before they suddenly darted off and disappeared.
Kramer said one deputy managed to get a picture of the lights shot with a digital camera through his night vision goggles
but that the pictures didn’t offer much evidence as they were too grainy and the lights appeared so small.
The man who reported the lights said he often watched military helicopters on maneuvers in the canyons during the summer
but said it was nothing like the lights Nov. 21.
Others at Lake Maloney also reported seeing the unidentified lights in the eastern sky.
Dispatchers checked with Denver International Airport, which covers radar for this area, but they said the radar only monitored
activity at 14,000 feet and above.
The deputies reported the lights were much lower than that in the sky.
Mike Sharkey, manager of the North Platte Regional Airport, said the dispatchers called him at home to see if he could
shed any light on the mysterious lights but he said that Lee Bird Field has no radar and could offer no further information.
A spokesman for the National Weather Service office in North Platte said their radar rarely picks up any aircraft or UFOs.
He said no one noticed anything unusual on their radar Nov. 21.
Kramer said he too could offer no explanation for the mysterious lights.
UFOs sighted over area for more than 53 years
Only one in 450 UFO sightings are ever reported, according to the National UFO Reporting Center in Seattle Wash.
On any particular evening in the United States there are around 1,000 sightings of UFOs around the USA, including 100 close
encounters with objects, 80 encounters with humanoids, and 15 reported abductions.
In the U.S. there are now living around one million people who believe they have seen saucer occupants, and over 150,000
who believe they have been abducted.
There have been 252 UFO sightings reported in Nebraska, according to NUFORC.
NUFORC was founded in 1974 by noted UFO investigator Robert J. Gribble. The Center's primary function over the past two
decades has been to receive, record, and to the greatest degree possible, corroborate and document reports from individuals
who have been witness to unusual, possibly UFO-related events.
The center operates a telephone hotline that has operated almost continuously since 1974 and has processed more than 10,000
calls. Reports can also be filed on the center’s website.
The U.S. government took an interest in UFOs from 1947 to 1967 and the U.S. Air Force used its substantial base network
to take reports and write them up in standardized formats. During this period there were also substantial report libraries
accumulated by the private NICAP and AFPRO organizations in the United States, the researcher Jacques Vallee, and other private
organizations in Canada, Europe and Australia.
The official Condon Study of 1969 ended the U.S. government program of taking reports. Researchers at the private CUFOS
group managed to acquire the final government-sponsored report database on mainframe data tapes.
It is from this data and other reports that we can report West Central Nebraska area UFO sightings:
• McPherson County - In April 1916 and again in August 1917, a flying disk was observed and reported by residents.
• North Platte, Aug. 23, 1955 – A woman reported that she had a close encounter with an unidentified craft
and its occupants.
• Rural West Central Nebraska, Jan. 1, 1953 – A woman told her child, who was only 4-years old the night
the incident happened, that they were traveling by car when a light came from the sky and lit up the area so bright that she
could see every blade of grass if it were daylight. She told her daughter that the car stopped and they just sat there. She
said she didn’t know how long but that the light left and she started the car again and drove them home. She remembered
the incident and all the details at age 82.
• North Platte, April 25, 1964 – A meteor-like object was reported by numerous people. It was later determined
to be an actual meteor.
• North Platte, June 17, 1978 – Numerous witnesses reported an object hovering in the sky for more than
one hour at approximately 11 p.m. The witnesses made numerous police reports about the encounter.
• North Platte, Aug. 25, 1979 – Two friends were star gazing at 10:30 p.m. when one suddenly saw an object
flying through the northern Milky Way. He reported it was nearly 60,000 feet in altitude and traveling due south. He said
the object was dark with jagged edges and appeared to be the size of three football fields. Two other similarly shaped objects
were traveling in a split formation behind the lead craft and four more followed those, the report said. All were traveling
extremely fast. They bolted from the far northern view of the Milky to the south under 10 seconds. The friend pointed them
out to his buddy who then saw them too. The report said they could distinguish them as separate because they could see the
stars between objects.
• North Platte, July 17, 1980 – Two people who were attending a party at the skating rink were walking
home a little after 10 p.m. and looked up about 30 degrees at the corner of Custer Avenue and West 13th Street. They reported
spotting several rock-shaped objects with jagged edges flying across the sky. The objects went north to south and passed overhead
silently, the report said. The pair watched the objects for about eight seconds until they vanished into a puffy white cloud.
The report said one of the boys went home and told his parents what he saw but they were not the least but interested because
they were watching Ronald Reagan giving his acceptance speech for nomination of the Republican Party for President that Thursday
evening, which also happened to be the boy’s fathers birth date. He said he highly doubted anyone believed his story
because he was only fourteen years old when it happened.
• North Platte, Oct. 19, 1981 – Objects were tracked by radar and sighted visually. Three multi-colored
discs were observed by five witnesses.
• Sutherland, Nov. 15, 1983 – A Lincoln County Sheriff’s Deputy was on patrol in the Sutherland area
when he found some kids drinking beer. As the kids were dumping the beer at the deputy’s direction, one of them yelled,
"Hey, what is that?" The deputy reported he looked toward the northwest and observed a craft floating above the ground. He
reported the dark metallic craft was about 2,000 feet above the ground and about 1,200 feet away from him. He said the craft
was moving slowly toward the south. The deputy reported the craft had rows of square objects that looked like windows but
were dark. The deputy watched the craft move to the south and over the Village of Sutherland. He reported he called another
deputy in the Wallace area and asked him to start heading north and see if he could catch it. Just then, the deputy said,
three circles at the rear of the craft flashed a bright white and the craft sped up in the direction of the Gerald Gentleman
Power Plant then veered to the southeast. The second deputy then reported he could see the craft and estimated it was going
about 400 miles per hour towards Dickens. The craft was reported to be as long as a C5 Galaxy aircraft and twice as wide.
He observed it for an estimated 15 minutes. He said he and the teens all felt the hair on their arms and legs stand up when
they saw it.
• Maxwell, Nov. 15, 1984 – The man who reported this UFO said he was driving east down Hwy. 30 toward Maxwell
taking a friend home at 6 p.m. on a cold, misty, rainy day. He said he did not like driving on that road as the trains on
the track perpendicular to the road often had their front lights on bright. The man said he saw a light that he first thought
was a train but quickly realized it was twice as high as it should have been. He said he and his friend went silent as they
got closer and observed the light was coming from a football shaped craft floating above the railroad tracks. The light was
on the front of the craft was pointing straight ahead and there was another he said he could not see at first pointing directly
down onto the tracks. It also had several small colored lights at different areas on it. They stopped the car and got out,
walking towards the craft as it approached. The passenger got back in the car and yelled for the driver to get in and drive
off. But the driver stayed outside and observed the craft as it passed. He said there was no sound coming from the craft and
it just glided over the tracks. They watched as it passed by and disappeared from sight into the mist. The man reported that
he and his friend never could make sense of what they saw. He said the sighting took about five minutes but after dropping
his friend off and driving back home, he learned he had been gone six hours. They reported the sighting to the Nebraska State
• Gothenburg, July 15, 1996 – A man reported that he saw a red round flashing light similar to a taillight
on an old car cross the night sky from the west horizon to the east horizon five to 10 times faster than any jet he had ever
seen. He said it went from horizon to horizon in about 30 to 45 seconds and made absolutely no sound. The object was observed
at 11:30 p.m. The same object was reportedly reported to a Denver radio station.
• Cozad, Sept. 18, 1998 – A licensed practical nurse reported a triangular shaped object, whose margins
were unspecific, at 1:45 a.m. The night was clear and the star field exceptionally sharp. The trajectory was from north to
south and there were no visible lights. "I am a trained observer by profession," the nurse wrote in the report.
• Ogallala, July 22, 2000 – Three friends reported an enormous craft with multi-illuminated panels giving
off shapes and colors "unlike anything they had ever seen." They reported it rose on the western horizon and traveled to the
eastern horizon. They observed it for about 25 minutes.
• Mullen, Nov. 19, 2002 – A couple reported that they observed brilliant lights moving at incredible speeds
and doing strange maneuvers for four nights in a row. They reported that they got scared and observed the lights appearing
to follow them until they reached town then shoot straight up into the sky about 11 p.m. They observed them for several hours
one night and even videotaped the event.
• North Platte, Oct. 17, 2003 – A woman reported that he observed an aircraft apparently chasing a formation
of yellowish and orange lights quite a bit bigger than the aircraft. The eastbound formation of lights accelerated and left
the aircraft far behind, according to the woman. She observed the chase for about three minutes, she reported.
• Sutherland, July 26, 2004 – A man was cutting cross-country from Tryon and was on his way to Sutherland
at 11:40 p.m. when he observed a needle nosed, triangular-shaped object in the sky. It appeared to be hovering halfway between
Sutherland and Hershey. It soon began moving to the south very slowly. "I would say the object was about 300 yards long and
100 wide at the triangular front end. I continued to the south until I came onto the two-mile road north of Sutherland and
turned to the east. I stopped and got out to get a better look. I heard a low-pitched hum, which seemed to be coming from
the object which was heading south towards I-80 and Hwy. 30. It seemed to be moving about 3-5 miles per hour at about 1,000-foot
altitude or so. It seemed to me it was about a mile or two away to the east. I watched this object for several minutes until
it disappeared to the south and the lights of the rest area on I-80 interfered. I came on home and reported what I saw." He
reported that he observed the craft for 25 minutes.
• Hershey, Dec. 3, 2004 – A man was driving on Hwy. 30 when he noticed lights in the sky just south of
the highway and east of Hershey. It appeared to be a rectangle that spun slowly counter clockwise and took about 10 seconds
to make a complete revolution. It was drifting west. Suddenly, the rotation stopped and the craft began moving directly to
the north. "At this point I had pulled off to the side of the road and got out of my truck. The lights were shaped in a Trapezoid
formation with a spot light in the center that would come on intermittently. What ever this craft was it did not make the
sounds that a helicopter makes. The only thing I heard was a low continued whooshing sound heavy on the osh part. I stood
there for about four minutes watching this object light up the country side with a bright white circle until it was about
a mile or so north then the craft shot straight up and out of site. The whole time I watched this craft it was about 700 feet
above the ground and I also saw the normal passenger jet aircraft in the sky but they were traveling at their normal altitudes
– 20,000 feet or so."
• North Platte, June 29, 2007 – A man reported that as he walked toward his pickup truck, he looked up
in the sky and saw three very bright lights moving in a triangular shape at 11:30 p.m. He reported the triangle moved to the
north slowly. He said he then observed a fast moving plane fly under the lighted triangle. The UFO then shot straight up and
disappeared, the man reported.
• Hershey, Nov. 2, 2007 – A man reported that he was walking to his truck when he looked into the sky and
noticed an airplane flying from west to east. He said then he noticed a very bright light in the sky further "toward Zenith"
from the plane. He said he quickly checked the Constellations to orient himself. He reported the light four times the size
of Venus. He observed it for about 20 seconds when its intensity began dissipating. He said he could see a round ball in the
center of the light. He said he went back into his house, saw it was 10:34 p.m. and filed his report.

UFO’s in Nebraska? You better believe it.
Omaha City Weekly By: Jim Delmont Issue: Feb 25, 2009
UFOs, ghosts and things that go bump in the night: they all happen in Nebraska, too, as Jack Kasher, physics professor
emeritus at UNO and past president of Paranormal Claims Research, a former statewide organization, knows first hand. Jack
is Nebraska state director for the Mutual UFO Network (Mufon), an organization devoted to researching and investigating UFO
reports. Kasher worked on special projects at NASA’s Marshall Space Flight Center in Alabama and also at the Lawrence
Livermore National Laboratories in California. Some of his work was connected with the “Star Wars” missile defense
Jack has investigated some hot cases in Omaha and throughout the region, including a 2004 case when a family living near
Westroads Mall reported a classic “flying saucer” hovering over their home a few blocks south of West Blondo Street.
The case was written up in an issue of the Mufon Journal – a mother and four daughters saw the object for a few minutes
as it sat silent in the late evening, then drifted toward Blondo, only to zip upward at a tremendous speed and then disappear
from sight. Oddly, the incident happened just a few blocks from Kasher’s home.
“It was a saucer-shaped thing,” Kasher said, “similar to a sighting another mother and daughter had near
132nd and Center, above a building that used to be the Commercial Federal Savings and Loan. It’s amazing that more people
didn’t see either of these – but it appears that the UFOs selectively allow themselves to be seen.”
This reminded me of a sighting that a couple I know experienced more than 22 ago in West Omaha. The two were visiting unfinished
houses in a new subdivision and came out of one around 7 p.m. on a clear March evening to see a classic flying saucer sitting
across the street above an empty new house, lights flashing but making no sound (which is typical). They watched it for more
than 10 minutes until it suddenly blinked out. Kasher also investigated a recent incident in Ashland, in which a married couple
saw a black disk flitting around their home. They caught it on video.
“The video shows a dark thing with black dots moving around its circumference,” Kasher said. “It shows
it on edge at one point, also behind trees, and it is definitely a saucer or circle shape.”
Ashland is famous in UFO lore because it was there, in the middle of the night in the 1960s, that a policeman, Herbert
Schirmer, encountered a UFO hovering over a rural crossroads. It was classic in appearance, but Schirmer couldn’t recall
anything else about the incident until he was hypnotized by a University of Wyoming psychologist and then remembered details
of a conversation he had with typical gray aliens. Schirmer, who has avoided public statements in recent years because he
is still active in law enforcement in another state, has promised the producers of the weekly TV show, “UFO Hunters,”
that he will make a future appearance, after retirement.
UFOs, or flying saucers as they were known for a few decades, burst upon the scene in 1947, when a private pilot named
Kenneth Arnold, spotted a formation of flying wing type craft in the Cascade Mountains of Washington state. He told reporters
that their movement was like “saucers skipping across water”’ and the term flying saucers stuck. Within
a week or so, the commander of the U.S. Army Air Force 509th Bomber Group (the only nuclear armed strike force in the world
at the time) announced that the Air Force had recovered a “flying disk” near Roswell, N.M. Overnight, the story
changed. It was just an ordinary weather balloon. About half a century later, the Air Force admitted the weather balloon story
had been a cover-up. The real thing that crashed in tatters on a local ranch was a top secret Mogul spy balloon – the
purpose of which was to detect nuclear test explosions in Soviet Russia. What actually happened at Roswell has been a matter
of contention ever since.
In the beginning, UFOs were often seen in daylight, especially by pilots, and they seemed to be nuts and bolts space vehicles.
But later, UFOs became more mysterious. They were seen to change shape, to split into two or more pieces, each of which flew
away separately (or, conversely, several objects would merge into one). Lights on UFOs would fly off on their own, and some
UFOs dived into the sea or even straight into the ground. UFOs came to seem part of the paranormal world. Like ghosts, which
have been reported for thousands of years, UFOs would pop up, make a short journey, and disappear. They didn’t seem
to go from point A to point B. Then there were the abductions. History professor David Jacobs, of Temple University, told
me a few years ago that people were being abducted in large numbers for breeding experiments – we were to be replaced
with smarter, safer hybrids. His dark views went into several books. Other author-investigators agreed, including John Buder,
of Omaha, Assistant State Director for Mufon and a longtime collaborator with Kasher.
Buder thinks there is a sinister side to UFOs, though he surmises that earth is being visited by anything from a handful
to more than a thousand different races, some of which may be evil or even demonic from our point of view – while others
may be benign.
“Aircraft have gone down,” he said, “and people have been abducted – and some people have been
killed, so there is a sinister side to it. The paranormal aspects have been picking up in recent years. I investigated a case
in rural Nebraska, near the Kansas border, where everything was going on – animal mutilations, poltergeist activity
and people seeing strange creatures, including predator-type creatures. In another case, an FBI agent I know was driving on
the Interstate near the old stockyards and he saw two flying disks. Some of these things, including lighted triangles, are
huge – one in another state was several miles across. I think our military knows about this phenomenon but has no choice
but to cooperate with whatever it is, partly because they fear a cultural, financial or religious collapse if the truth comes
Buder is 75 and has been investigating UFOs since 1959. He has a collection of nearly 700 books on the subject.
“I’ll continue until the day I die,” he said.
Kasher is very positive about the History Channel’s show, “UFO Hunters.” He was in on the pilot episode.
“It’s pretty good, pretty objective,” he said (he has been tapped as a resource more than once). Unlike
Buder, who hasn’t seen one, Jack did have a UFO sighting a few years ago – a lighted triangle over Omaha. When
he called Offutt Air Base for clarification, they referred him “to a professor at UNO who is interested in such things.”
That irony wasn’t lost on Kasher, who still wonders what is behind the phenomenon.
“I’m more optimistic,” Kasher said. “Many governments are now opening up their files – England,
France, Canada. I think at least some of the sightings are from real ‘ET’ visitors and others may be from other-dimensional
creatures. UFOs are real, from places other than earth.”

Nebraska man recalls over 3,000 abductions by Patricia Ress
John Foster is a soft-spoken down home kind of man who would make you think of a young Joel McCrea. He is both an engineer
and abductee and his contact experiences began back in 1950 while he was in grade school. While he and his classmates
at Bethany Grade School in Lincoln, NE were outside watching a movie, Foster recalled seeing an object resembling a helicopter
with swirling lights appearing out of the sky. He remembered being fascinated yet feeling strange. When he looked
around, everyone seemed frozen in time-looking like statues. Then he saw three little men appear and try to fix the craft
which by then had landed. He had an overwhelming desire to get inside, and when he did, it was something totally
different than he had seen from the outside.
Foster was then taken to an examining room by creatures that resembled frogs or lizards. One he somehow knew was a female
and she told him that they were the educators who would supervise his learning experiences. Among other strange things, Foster
recalled that they encouraged him to join Masonic Lodge. After being examined, Foster was sent back out of the craft
to the crowd below. Another female spoke to him in a scolding tone and told him he was to be a good boy and mind his parents.
She seemed to know a lot about him including the fact that he and some other boys had stolen some candy and gum from
a store across the street.
For over 30 years, Foster seemed to have forgotten about his abductions until in October of 1986 when he went camping with
his wife and children at Niobrara Park where he had a short visitation which awakened more memories of previous abductions.
By December he had recalled at least 50 such experiences and by January that number had grown to about 3,000! When he was
later introduced to a larger group of contactees, he remembered all of them from previous abductions. "Alien abduction
is a terrifying and traumatic experience," Foster declared."Psychiatric counselors don't know how to deal with this-even if
you can get them to believe you.I believe that UFO experiences are directed at you personally. But there are also times when
they can address the population in general."
Foster said that profound things happened to him during his abductions and that the world should know about
them. He said he was shown how the 'visitors' can manipulate atomic structure and change things directly at will. He was told
things about scientific matters over the years that he saw come to fruition. While the entities he initially encountered
looked reptilian, the spiritual guides were more human in appearance and able to phase in and out at the deeper
levels. On the initial level of the abduction experience there is a kind of excitement while on the deeper level
life plans emerge and there is an interaction with people who have had similar experiences.
While some people have little or no proof of who or what abducted them, Foster has carefully documented his experiences with
drawings and paintings and believes he has encountered at least 13 different kinds of crafts. Some are described as 'bells'
and others as 'floating telephone booths.' One frightening aspect of his experiences was that when he told the aliens he could
not recall all of his abductions,they told him that if he remembered them, it would negate their purpose. Foster
has been helped with the trauma of his abductions by Dr. Leo Sprinkle of the U. of Wyoming who works with abductees.
The aliens told Foster that they were a "guardian brotherhood" who had watched over mankind since antiquity.
He was told he was to awaken people to the reality of other dimensions and to interact with them. When he and his wife
visited several Indian reservations, he showed his drawings to them and they commented "we see things like this all the time."

Woman claims abduction by aliens in North Platte
by Frank Graham, North Platte Bulletin - 12/10/2008
In 1989, at a UFO and UFO abduction conference in Laramie Wyo, a woman reported that she had been abducted by a UFO
from their farm in North Platte. The woman, named Joyce Updike, said the abduction occurred after a UFO landed in her family’s
farmyard in 1959 and again in 1967 but that she had no memory of it until she went under regressive hypnosis. Updike told
the audience that Dr. Leo Sprinkle of New Mexico hypnotized her and that’s when she remembered the abductions.
Updike said in 1967 a UFO landed in their farmyard. She said that for years all she remembered was light filling
the house and the farmyard. She said she locked the house and went to bed. She said she awoke during the night with all her
clothes on and on top of the bedcovers in the heat of August. She said she wondered about that night until her hypnosis when
she learned she had been abducted by alients.
Updike claimed the hypnosis revealed the 1967 abduction was her second. The first, Updike said, was in 1959 when
she drove her little red Rambler station wagon to one of their pastures. She said it was there she met two space people. She
said she was embarassed because she was barefooted and, in 1959, women were not supposed to leave their houses like that.
She said she also was wearing an apron, another no-no. Updike said the encounters changed her profoundly and she realized
people thought she started acting a little "goofy," but never understood why until the hypnosis.
Updike recounted that the space people were peaceful. She said they wore "space suit like" outfits, thick soled shoes
and one of the men held two metal rods that he was aimed at her while the other climbed over a nearby wire fence and walked
to a landed object, partly hidden by a hill. Updike said she then found herself inside the object on top of an examining table,
two men of average height and well built stood next to her, another man wearing a three piece loose fitting "surgical" outfit
with a hood and a smoke colored visor over the eyes, stood by a circular, glass covered instrument panel, and he also wore
gauntlet gloves with pointed pincer type clamps. This man approached her, raised her right arm by the elbow, "at this point
all conscious recall ended." Updike said that she learned that under any circumstances, she could no longer trust time and
that the space people had a "plan."
Ruth Montgomery, a former syndicated newspaper columnist turned paranormal writer, chronicled Updike’s story
in her book, "Aliens Among Us."

The 1884 Nebraska Crash
On June 6, 1884, as a band of cowboys rounded up cattle in remote Dundy County, Nebraska, a blazing object streaked out
of the sky and crashed some distance from them, leaving (according to a contemporary newspaper account) "fragments of cog-wheels
and other pieces of machinery . . . glowing with heat so intense as to scorch the grass for a long distance around each fragment."
The light was so intense that it blinded one of the witnesses.
This incredible event was recorded two days later in Lincoln's Daily State Journal, which printed a dispatch from Benkelman,
Nebraska, by an anonymous correspondent. The correspondent wrote that prominent local citizens had gone to the site, where
the metal now had cooled. He reported, "The aerolite, or whatever it is, seems to be about 50 or 60 feet long, cylindrical,
and about 10 or 12 feet in diameter." A State Journal editor remarked that this must have been an "air vessel belonging originally
to some other planet."
Nebraska may have had its own Roswell in 1884
Very few people have heard of Max, Neb. A cursory look at the Google Map of the town shows just how small it is - under
20 blocks, a blip in southwest Nebraska. It's just eight miles from the seat of Dundy County: Benkelman, population 914.
But Max, the blip it may be, is the closest town to an incident in that occurred 1884.
The Nebraska Nugget reported, "About 35 miles northwest of Benkelman, Dundy County, on the 6th of June (1884) a very startling
phenomenon occurred. It seems that John W. Ellis and three of his herdsmen and a number of other cowboys were out engaged
in a roundup. They were startled by a terrific whirring noise over their heads, and turning their eyes saw a blazing body
falling like a shot to Earth. It struck beyond them, being hidden from view by a bank."
One of the herdsmen, Alf Williamson, was burned as he approached the craft, which had created a split in the ground as
it dragged to a stop. He was taken back to Ellis' home and treated for his burns.
E.W. Rawlins, the brand inspector for the district, came to inspect it.
The Nebraska State Journal reported on the event in 1887, saying, "One piece that looked like the blade of a propeller
screw, of a metal of an appearance like brass, about 16 inches wide, three inches thick and three-and-a-half feet long, was
picked up by a spade. It would not weigh more than five pounds, but appeared as strong and compact as any known metal. A fragment
of a wheel with a milled rim, apparently having had a diameter of seven or eight feet, was also picked up. It seemed to be
of the same material and had the same remarkable lightness."
The lack of physical evidence means there's nothing much left today, and John Buder, a field researcher with the Mutual
UFO Network of Nebraska, said that the people of Dundy County shy away from talking about the event.
Most of his investigation into it has been research. He first stumbled across the story in a tourist's guide to Nebraska.
From there, he's found it in multiple books on the subject.
"There has been a lot of studies made on UFO crashes," Buder said. "The people who I
would claim know the most have not identified it as a hoax."
It was the second UFO crash Buder knows of, and the first to be recorded in newspapers of the time. But once the story
came out, it started a worldwide wave of similar stories - some more reputable than others.
One such case is the 1897 crash near Aurora, Tex., where four alien bodies are supposedly buried in a graveyard. Eyder
Peralta, a reporter for the Houston Chronicle, investigated that crash and turned up nothing.
But the Nebraska crash is the first reported. It was only after the incident near Max that it became a sort of mythology.
"That means that all these other hoax crashes that started seem to have gotten their start at Max, Neb.," Buder said.
It's a piece of Nebraska history only occasionally touched on, Roswell before there was a Roswell to speak of.
"I'd say right now there's only a few dozen people
in Nebraska who even know about it," Buder said.
But how does a craft just disappear, just dissolve in a crash? What about the "cogs" that the craft threw off as it approached
the ground? Did those, too, simply disappear?
It's a legend taken more seriously than most of the era in ufology circles, which is not to say there aren't skeptics.
Alan Boye even wrote in his recent book, "The Complete Roadside Guide to Nebraska," that "there are, of course, many people
who do not believe the story, and others who claim it is yet another UFO story neglected and laughed at by skeptics."
But skeptical or not, Buder asserts that it was the beginning of the wave of stories, ground zero for what would turn into
airship sightings as time went on.
He sees the building of the railroad coinciding with the sightings of the era. In fact, the crafts were often described
as "railroad engines without wheels" at the time.
"It's ironic that this same story, this being the first, was repeated many more times worldwide at later dates," Buder
And as for the remnants, Buder thinks there might be some things tucked away in the Republican River valley.
"I wouldn't doubt that out there in one of those tool sheds or barns out there, there's a piece of metal that no one knows
where it came from," he said.

flap took place during the last days of January 1897 in the town of Hastings, Nebraska, 160 miles (256 kilometers) southwest
of Omaha.
According to the Kansas Semi-Weekly Capital of March 31, 1897, the UFO was seen the morning of Sunday,
January 24, 1897. People thought a mysterious inventor was experimenting with an "airship" about 10 miles (16 kilometers)
west of the small city. The UFO circled for a few minutes and then zoomed away to the north.
Here's the story as
it appeared in the Omaha, Nebraska Bee for February 2, 1897: "Several Hastings people report that an air ship, or something
of the kind, has been sailing around in the air west of this city. It was first noticed sometime last fall when it was
seen floating in the air about 500 feet (175 meters) above the ground, and after standing still for about 30 minutes, it
began to to circle about and took a northerly direction for about two miles, after which it returned to its starting
place and sank into oblivion."
"Since that time it has not been seen until last Sunday evening, when it was observed
standing nearly still, a few miles west of Hastings and seemingly about 800 feet in the air."
"At first sight it
had the appearance of an immense star, but after closer observation the powerful light shows by its color to be artificial.
It certainly must be illuminated by powerful electric dynamos for the light sent forth by it is wonderful."
9:30 last Monday night (January 25, 1897) the large glaring light was seen to circle around for a few minutes and then
descended for about 200 feet, circling as it traveled at a remarkable speed for about two miles and then slowing up it
circled for fully 15 minutes, when it began to lower and disappear as mysteriously as it had made its appearance...A close
watch is being kept for its reappearance."
On February 5, 1897, the Omaha Bee reported that the UFO had been sighted
again, this time at Invale, a tiny farm town 40 miles (64 kilometers) south of Hastings, near the Kansas state line. The
UFO was seen by people returning from a prayer meeting.
"It (the UFO) seemed to be conical-shaped and perhaps 30 to
40 feet in length, with a bright headlight and six smaller lights, three on a side, and seemed to have two sets of wings
on a side, with a large fan-shaped rudder," the Bee reported. The Invale witnesses claimed to have heard rumbling engine
noises and the voices of the "airship's" occupants. (See the Omaha, Nebraska Bee for February 2 and February 5, 1897, plus
the Kansas Semi-Weekly Capital of Topeka, Kansas for March 31, 1897 "Strange Light in the Sky.")

March 28, 1897 - Omaha, NE
The majority of the population observed an object arriving from the southeast. It looked like a huge light, flew northwestward
slowly, came to low altitude. A crowd gathered at a street corner to watch it.
March 29,1897- Omaha, NE
Witnessed from almost every corner of the city, a large, spherical object crossed over the skies of Omaha. The craft glowed
evenly as it passed behind the bluffs to the northwest of the city. "It was in the shape of a big bright light, too big for
a balloon," a newspaper account read.
February 2, 1922 Hubbell, NE
Out on a hunting trip, Mr. William C. Lamb came across strange tracks in the forest floor. He followed them, and soon discovered
a flying disc, hovering at treetop level, right above him. It emitted a piercingly high whine. Mr. Lamb ducked behind some
brush and let the object pass. After the craft had left, and Mr. Lamb felt he was safe, a flying creature about eight feet
tall alighted on the snow. It searched the area, and passed by Mr. Lamb who thereafter followed the creature for five miles
before losing track.
1927 - Scottsbluff, NE
While flying near Scottsbluff, Nebraska, USA, pilot Barney Oldfield finds his biplane flanked by "flying manhole covers."

1956 - Ogallala, NE
The sighting occured in 1956 and took place at about 3:30 P.M. in the afternoon as I was on my way to work. I was working
at the Ogallala, Nebraska Power Plant as a Steam Turbine Operator. It was in the summer as it was quite warm and the sun was
still high in the sky. As I approached the railroad crossing I looked both East and West to be sure there were no trains coming
and it was a uncontrolled crossing and I look both ways whether it is controlled or not. Any way as I looked West I saw an
object sitting directly on the tracks at a distance that I would say was one half a mile. I gasped in amazement as I immediately
knew I was looking at a so-called flying saucer. I continued on across the track and pulled over to the right and out of the
right away so I would not be impeding traffic. The old car I was driving had running boards and I opened the door and stood
on the running board for a better look. What I saw was a metallic object that I would judge was 75 to 80 ft accross and shaped
like two saucers with one sitting atop the other in an inverted position. The object was near silver in color and as I looked
it seemed to be stationary then a sort of reflective light as bright as the sun flashed on the edge towards me and it seemed
to start to rotate and picked up tremendous speed and raised a few feet above the rails. At that time a friend of mine that
was employed by Goodall Mfg. plant just across the street from me came out of the building and started across the street to
his car and I called him over and pointed to the West. He looked in the direction I was pointing and stood speechless when
he observed what I was seeing. Other people were coming out of the Goodall plant but we were so engrossed with what we were
looking at that we said nothing to them but just stood and watched. The object raised to an elevation of probably 100 or so
feet and the sort of dipped itself downward with its leading edge and I could see what appeared to be a path of light around
it near its center and then the thing tipped up to a near level position or slightly upward and sped off to the North East
at an ever increasing rate of speed and an angle of probably a 40 degree elevation as it moved and was gone from sight in
a matter of no more than one half a minute. It left no visible trail of condensation or other sort of indication of its travel.
Dick said I can't beleive it and I said the same and that I sure as hell dident intend to report it as I would be laughed
out of the town and maby even sent to the looney bin. He agreed and we both remained silent about the incident. I have related
this to some people over the years but never made an official report on it. I served in the Army Air Force during and after
WW 2 and was stationed at White Sands Proving Grounds after the War and the Air Force was part of Project Blue Book at that
time but during my military service I never experienced any thing of that nature. I had served as a Bomber crew member overseas
and was assisting in the V-2 program at White Sands in 1947, The above report to you is as near as I can recall about the
sighting in 1955 and as I was trained very well as an observer in the Air Force and didn't receive any section 8 from the
service. I think my report can be considered reliable.

September 8, 1958 - Omaha, NE
1. UFO first appeared as vapor streak, bright flare of light. Then turned red-orange, solid shape became distinct.
Black specks appeared, cavorted, near lower end.
2. Specks disappeared, object tilted to 45 degrees from horizontal, began moving slowly WSW.
3. Object tipped to horizontal, then as it moved into distance tilted upwards again.
SAC Officers Watch UFO With Satellite Objects
At SAC headquarters in 1958, a group of officers, airmen and missile engineers observed an elongated UFO with satellite
objects for about 20 minutes. The case was reported to NICAP by Major Paul A. Duich, USAF (Ret.), one of the witnesses, who
was then on active duty. Until recently, Major Duich was an Air Force Master Navigator, accumulating 4000 flying hours and
300 combat hours. During World War II he was one of those who saw "foo-fighters," while crew member of a B-29 making bomb
runs on Japan.
The time was approximately 1840. The date: 8 September 1958. I had just ordered dinner at the Officers Club, Strategic
Air Command Headquarters, Offutt Air Force Base, Omaha, Nebraska. I excused myself from my friend and co-worker, Major __________
, and went out the side door to cross the open space between the club and the Visiting Officers Quarters next door. I wanted
to buy a newspaper in the lobby of the VOQ to read after dinner.
As I crossed the open area, something caught my eye. Glancing up and to the west, I noticed what appeared to be a short
vapor trail in an otherwise clear, blue sky. There were no clouds. The sun had just set. I continued walking but somehow that
vapor trail didn't register properly. I have seen thousands of vapor trails but this one was peculiar. I did a double take
at that point for suddenly the short 'vapor trail' became a brilliant Source of light, much the same as a magnesium flare.
I stopped dead in my tracks and watched.
The light was intense, but the "vapor trail" hung motionless. Even a short trail shows generation and dissipation as the
aircraft moves across the sky. I watched for several minutes-- maybe 2 or 3--before I called to another officer: "Hey, what
do you make of that?", pointing to the spot in the sky. He replied, "Looks like a short vapor trail." I pointed out that it
wasn't moving or growing or diminishing in size. He stopped to gape and several others joined us.
By then, I decided this called for a better look. What we all agreed, rather quickly, was that the vapor was reflecting
sunlight, the effect being similar to a sun-dog, even though the sun had already slipped below the horizon.
As the small crowd gathered, I hurried into the VOQ office and called the Offutt tower. I asked the tower operator to look
west, about 30 degrees from the horizontal and tell me what he saw.
"Looks like a short vapor trail. Very odd."
"Vapor trail my foot! Look at it now."
I could see it through the window as I talked to the tower operator. The glow was now diminishing and changing to a dull
red-orange and at the same time the fuzzy appearance gradually took on a solid look, in the distinct shape of a pencil or
slender cigar. The upper end was blunter than the lower end.
By then all those in the office were curious and we all stepped outside to join the 10 or 20 others who had gathered to
gape at the thing. All of a sudden we all started checking each others faces for some silly reason--for assurance of reality,
perhaps, for as we watched there appeared at the lower end of the object a swarm of black specks cavorting every which way,
much like a swarm of gnats. This procedure continued for a minute or so before they (the black specks) disappeared.
Then the object, which had hung motionless on the same spot, slowly changed attitude from an upright position to a 45 degree
angle with the horizontal and started moving slowly toward the west. At the same time there was no drastic change in the coloring,
but a perceptible color change did take place. It remained a dull orange-red color and continued its westerly movement.
We watched in awe for several minutes--perhaps 5-- and then the object changed attitude, again very gradually, until its
longitudinal axis appeared parallel to the horizon. The westward movement continued, slightly to the southwest. The apparent
size of the object diminished gradually and the color faded. About 5 minutes before we lost it completely (as it faded into
the haze just above the horizon) the object changed attitude again, back toward the 45 degree position, but not quite.
As it continued on its westerly path, it maintained this last attitude until completely swallowed up by the haze. It never
did drop below the horizon--just faded away. The fading, of course, was due to the many miles of hazy atmosphere between us
and the object. The sky was cloudless, but the western horizon did have a slight haze, readily apparent against the bright
About 10 minutes after I sighted the object, a full colonel set up a tripod and 35 mm camera with color film and took several
photographs of the object. He later denied getting any successful exposures after I asked him on several occasions.
Immediately after the object faded away, we asked one another what it was we saw. The popular answer was, "I don't know,
but I saw something."
The crowd was composed of airmen, officers and civilians (at least 25 officers and airmen were present). Several of the
officers (and possibly a few civilians) were from the Air Force Ballistic Missile Division in Los Angeles. Several more,
like myself, were Operations personnel engaged in a SAC planning session at the time. All except a few of the airmen were
seasoned, veteran flyers or highly trained missile engineers. We concluded that what was seen by all was no conventional vehicle,
nor was it an atmospheric phenomenon.
I collected a few names of individuals present, as I intended to report the UFO to the proper authorities. I called the
filter center and reported the facts over the telephone in the presence of a fellow officer and co-worker. I was told that
I would be contacted for interview within 48 hours by ATIC [Air Technical Intelligence Center representatives. I am still
waiting--5-l/2 years later.

December 3, 1967 - Ashland, NE
A Police Officer Goes Aboard a UFO in Nebraska
Police officer Herbert Schirmer was on routine late-night patrol in the town of Ashland, Nebraska, on December 3, 1967.
At about 2:30 a.m., he noticed a group of lights near the ground and thought he could make out a semi-trailer off the road.
He appr oached to investigate, only to see the thing - whatever it was - take off and disappear in the night sky. When he
returned to the police station at 3:00 a.m., he wrote in the station log, "Saw a flying saucer at the junction of highways
6 and 63. Believe it or not!" He went home that morning with a splitting headache and an inexplicable red welt on the side
of his neck. Apart from this, however, Schirmer had no immediate sense that anything else had happened.
Though only 22 at the time, Schirmer was so respected in Ashland that he was named Chief of Police a short
time later. He had previously served in the Navy and was the son of a career Air Force officer -- not the sort of man to become
obsessed about UFOs. But only two months after becoming police chief, he resigned from the force. He said he couldn't get
the UFO encounter out of his mind. He was experiencing terrible headaches and found it difficult to concentrate on his work.
The Condon Committee was in the midst of its UFO study at that time and heard about Schirmer. A preliminary investigation
turned up the fact that 20 minutes seemed to be unaccounted for in his log of December 3. It was suggested that Schirmer undergo
hypnotic regression to see if he could remember more details of the incident. Under hypnosis, a startling story emerged.
What really happened, he said, was that the lighted object came toward him and landed near his car. Several humanoid beings
got out and approached him. One of them shined a light in his eyes through the windshield; then something like green gas flowed
all around the car. Schirmer found he couldn't draw his revolver. Without knowing why, he rolled down his window. One of the
beings reached in and grabbed his neck. Seconds later, he found himself standing outside his car. The being asked, "Are you
the watchman over this place?" Schirmer couldn't answer. The being asked, "Would you shoot at a space ship?" "No, sir," Schirmer
said. The being motioned for him to come aboard the craft.
Schirmer described the beings as four and a half to five feet tall, with heads somewhat narrower and longer than an average
human. Their skin looked grayish white; their noses were fairly flat and their mouths looked like slits that didn't move.
Their eyes were slightly slanted, though not overly large; the eyelids did not blink. They wore silvery-gray jump suits that
included a tight-fitting headpiece with a small antenna on the left side. On the left breast they wore an emblem of a winged
A drawing made by Schirmer indicates the beings look similar to humans, and not like the "Gray" type often
linked with more recent abduction accounts.
During the next fifteen minutes of earth time, the beings communicated both audibly and telepathically as they showed Schirmer
around their craft. He recalled being shown a smaller craft that was parked on board. He was told it was used for surveillance.
He was told that these beings had been watching the human race for a very long time and were engaged in what he called a "breeding
analysis program." They explained that they purposely contacted people at random so as not to reveal too much of a pattern.
They want to keep us confused, Schirmer said, so we won't get too upset as we gradually get used to their presence. He felt
sure they weren't hostile. They told him that he wouldn't remember most of what happened during the encounter, and that they
would visit him again. "Someday, Watchman, you will see the universe," one being said to him.
Herbert Schirmer was returned to his car, then watched as the craft flew away. The welt on his neck remained as a hint
that an alien being had touched him. After recalling these events under hypnosis, he did not return to the police force. Without
doubt, his encounter on December 3, 1967 changed his life forever.

March 26, 2001 - Valentine, NE
The witness observed an extremely large cigar-shaped craft on March 26, 2001, that he estimates was at least 200 yards
long. The UFO had two flashing lights on each end when he noticed it at 9:00 PM. The craft flew right above us, with two flashing
lights at each end. It was slightly tilted and was moving fast. We were in an extremely dark part of town and the object was
moving East. The UFO was sort of cigar-shaped; the lights were bright, flashing and white. The observers were a freshman in
high school and an eighth-grade student. Thanks to Peter Davenport NUFORC

Neb. — On Wednesday, November 27, 2002, at 11:20 p.m., eyewitness A.W. and her brother were about to make a quick trip
to the video store in Omaha, Neb. (pop. 390,000), when she spotted something unusual in the sky.
"I went out to my
brother's car so we could drop off a movie at the video store," she reported. "While he was heating up the car, I walked to
the end of the driveway. I looked up and saw something moving extremely fast across the sky. It was very bright, like pure
white, or maybe it only seemed that white because there are not many stars you can see from where I live.
"It was very
far away, farther away than planes, and I only saw it for a moment," she continued. "Like, if I would have blinked, I would've
missed it. It's hard to say how large it was. I didn't see anything but a bright light, like a comet. But it wasn't a comet;
I've seen those before, and this was much different. It was bigger. It reminded me almost of a wide toothpick shape. And then
it was just gone, as if nothing was ever there in the first place. Like I said before, it was going a whole lot faster than
a jet would."

Name: S. Lowe
Location: West side of Offutt Air Force Base Nebraska. Offutt AFB is located at Bellevue
Neb. Omaha Nebraska and Council Bluffs are to the north.
Date: Wednesday afternoon
July 2003 On or about 3:30pm.
Very clear/sunny weather. A few scattered clouds.
Approach Direction: south
Departure Direction: possibly north
Witness Direction: west
Description: I was photographing RC-135's from the 55th wing at Offutt AFB Nebraska.
I was on the west end of the base and photographed a RC-135 "cobra ball" departing off the west end of the runway. After I
developed the negatives, I found in two photos possible UFO's in the same frame as the RC-135!!
Color/Shape: Small objects. Possible UFO's have light color upper section and dark
color lower section.
Height & Speed: In the photos, the RC-135 "cobra ball" is possibly 1,000+ ft
in altitude. The possible UFO's are quite closer. Possibly tree top level, angling across the photograph.

Lincoln, Nebraska An Orange Plasma Type UFO
Date: July 4, 2008 Time: 11:30 p.m.
Location of Sighting: Lincoln, Nebraska. Number of witnesses: 8 Number of objects: 1 Shape of objects: Orb.
Full Description of event/sighting: My family and I were in the back yard lighting fireworks when one of my oldest sons
friends yelled out "Orb!" We all looked up at the same time. The Orb was an orange plasma type of object that flew over us
seemed like it was right over the tree tops. It flew from the southeast heading northwest. It changed direction once it passed
over our house and headed more north according to my wife. We all had camera phones but no one caught a picture of the object
because we were to busy staring with our mouths open. After it was gone I asked everyone there if they seen the same thing.
everyone outside had seen it and said they would back me if I ever needed it. I reported this to MUFON only after there was
another report that same night from someone in Nebraska City who said they seen an orange colored orb moving towards the Northwest.
They reported it at about 9:30pm. After this was over my wife and I and our 11 year old seemed drained of energy for a couple
of weeks.

October 29th 2008 : Omaha, Nebraska
UFOINFO Sighting Form Report
Location: Omaha, Nebraska. USA
Date: October 29th 2008
Time: Around 4:00 p.m.
Number of witnesses: 2
Number of objects: 1
Shape of objects: Oval/Football shaped
Weather Conditions: Mostly clear with very few clouds in the sky, sunny.
Description: I was driving my car on the way to the store with my mother in the passenger seat. I came to a stop at a red
light, and began talking to my mother about this and that. She was stating what a nice day it was for this time a year.. Being
an amateur astronomer I looked up and commented that I hope it would be this clear later that night so I could use my new
As I was looking up in the sky waiting for the red light to change, something odd caught my eye in the South Western part
of the sky. At first glance I thought the usual; possibly a plane or helicopter.. but as I stared more deeply and started
to concentrate on what I was looking at, it couldn't have been. It was just hovering there and didn't seem to be moving at
a constant rate of speed. It seemed very high up to be a normally manned aircraft anyways. With it being a clear day I could
tell it wasn't a normality because there was no jet stream trail, no movement in any particular direction.
As I was
studying it I noticed an abnormal reflection coming from it. It was almost as if it was a chrome slightly translucent object.
I have never looked up and seen a plane or helicopter cast a chrome luminous reflection that almost hurt to look at because
it was highly reflective. I was tapping my mother on the arm telling her to look at this thing, and she kinda glanced up and
said, "oh that's just a plane." I said yeah, but it's hovering side to side and is showing a chrome type of surface that is
reflecting way too much to be a plane. Plus look how high it is, thats got to be 50,000 feet at least.
The object appeared
small but from the height it had to be stationed at.. It must have been relatively large. The light finally turned green after
a few minutes of me looking at this thing and I kept watching it as I continued West in my car. As a few miles went by, nothing
had changed it wasn't traveling in a certain direction. SO at this point I had the possibility of either a weather balloon
or UFO in my mind. A few miles later I stopped at another red light and saw the object again and when i was watching it, it
gave off an overcasting reflection that was very noticeable and then it literally vanished. I can't even explain it totally
I have never seen anything like this, nor have I seen such a disappearing act performed on something in the sky.
explaining to my mother, that it had not jet trail, no particular movement, and was chrome in color and oval in shape.. She
got really quiet and didn't argue that I am ruling out a manned aircraft.. She is sceptical on things but in this case she
did admit that it was really weird and she didn't know what it was. I have always believed in this stuff, but when you see
something for the first time ever, it really makes you think. What I saw was Unidentifiable.

Event Date: Mon, 16 Feb 2009 City: Bellevue Region:
Nebraska Country: US Shape: Sphere,Star-like Description:
While driving south on Highway 75 between Hwy 370 and Capehart Rd, I happened to glance East and noticed an unusually bright
"star" sitting at the 10 o'clock position, approx. 60-70 degrees off the horizon. I have been avid astronomy for over 25 years
and know the brightest stars that occupy this area of the sky to be Sirius and Procyon. I'm also fairly certain it was too
early for Regulus or Alphard to be that high above the horizon and they aren't as bright. I estimate it was magnitude 0 at
the peak. The object caught my attention since I knew there shouldn't be another star that bright in the area. It was also
changing brightness levels. I don't believe there were any clouds to cause the brightness fluctuations and the weather
history for that date verifies this:
History for Omaha Offutt, NE Monday - February 16, 2009 6:55 PM 34.0 - F 22.5, F 63% 30.06 in 10.0 miles
SSE 8.1 mph - N/A Clear The object also seemed to be in motion, but there were absolutely no navigation lights
as found on normal aircraft. There were about 3-4 other jets in the sky that all had the normal strobes and lights on them.
This object then seemed to vanish after about a minute, so I pretty much forgot about it as we were approaching our exit onto
Capehart Rd. As we got to the exit ramp, I noticed it had returned. A commercial airliner was flying East in the same section
of the sky and this object almost seemed to make a maneuver to avoid crossing paths with the jet, then settled into a steady
glide in a West-Northwest direction. I had pulled onto the shoulder and asked my passenger Melissa to take a look
and she saw the exact same thing. We were both very intrigued that it seemed under intelligent control, i.e. it didn't simply
streak and fade, or have any sort of greenish trail like a meteor. After watching for another 30-40 seconds, the object made
a banking maneuver north in a deliberate fashion and then slowly faded from view. A very impressive event for us!

Cattle Mutalations
Nebraska Crop Circles