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![]() THE OMAHA TORNADO March 23, 1913 101 Dead This was the darkest day in Nebraska severe weather history. A family of at least seven tornadoes moved across Nebraska and Iowa. The Omaha tornado was the deadliest. It started in Sarpy County, ripping its way northeast through Ralston, where seven people died. The twister then cut a quarter-mile wide path across Omaha and killed 94 people with 600 homes destroyed and over 1,100 others damaged in this tornado. Two children were killed Southeast of Beebeetown in Harrison County, Iowa. 1913 Omaha Easter Tornado Picture Page ![]() THE REPUBLICAN RIVER FLOOD-1935 The storm of May 31/June 1 was unique for two reasons: first, it dumped an incredible amount of rain - where
the Arickaree and Republican rivers meet in Colorado, 20 inches of rain was recorded, and 24 inches in 24 hours was recorded
along the South Fork Republican River. The entire upper Republican watershed witnessed an average rainfall of nine inches.
This storm was also unique in that it moved in the same direction as the drainage basin. As a result, the Frenchman, Red Willow,
Medicine, Deer, Muddy, and Turkey creeks all reached their flood peaks at the same time as the crest passed on the Republican
River. According to witness accounts, the roar of the water could be heard coming down the Republican Valley five
miles away. At one point, the water rose six feet in thirty minutes and was ten to fifteen feet higher than the previous record
crest. Another account states that the Republican rose 10 feet in 12 minutes in McCook; naturally, anything in the path of
that wall of water would be destroyed. Water was twenty feet deep in some places, and the discharge was an incredible 280,000
cubic feet/second - more than 320 times the normal flow today. Water was "bluff-to-bluff" in areas where the bluffs are typically
at least two miles apart. The town of Haigler was spared because it is situated on higher ground, but places like Parks, Benkleman,
Max, Stratton, Trenton, Culbertson, and McCook were severely impacted if not outright destroyed. In addition to these towns,
deaths also took place in Perry, Arapahoe, Orleans, Oxford, Franklin, Alma, and Cambridge. Some victims were last seen screaming
for assistance from the roof of their home as it was being swept down the river. Due to the fact that deaths occurred in three states and that reporting back in 1935 was not very efficient,
the number of deaths attributed to flooding differs. An accurate estimate would be 113 killed - most reports just say "over
one-hundred" dead. A reported 11,400 head of cattle and 41,500 were killed by the high water, and one report stated that carcasses
littered roads as to make them impassable. In total, 341 miles of highway and 307 bridges were destroyed, and 74,500 acres
of farmland were inundated. The damage estimate of $26 million is almost certainly low - personal losses, bridges, agricultural,
and railroad losses were all incredibly heavy. $26 million is equivalent to nearly $800 million today. ![]()
THE GREAT BLIZZARD- Nebraska 1888 The morning of January 12, 1888 was warm and the sun was shining in most parts of the State. Early in the
afternoon the wind suddenly changed to the northwest with a roar. As it wasimpossible to see in the blinding snow, many persons
lost their way and perished. Great heroismwas displayed by many a teacher in saving the children. COLUMBUS MAN LED PUPILS TO SAFETY John Ratterman of Columbus, who taught a rural school in Cedar County, tells how he led thirty-five pupils
between the ages of ten and eighteen to safety. Calling the boys and girls together, Mr. Ratterman informed them of the dangerous
situation. Some of the boys tried to leave the school for home, but the teacher succeeded in persuadingthem to remain with
the group. He formed a hand-to-hand chain of the pupils with the older boysin the lead and himself at the end. The group left
the building and started south of the school. The boys failed to lead due south as instructed and the chain arrived at the
southeast corner of theschool grounds. They were forced to turn directly west facing the blizzard. With great difficultythey
managed to reach their destination just as two girls dropped exhausted in the snow. Mr. and Mrs. Ratterman kept the fires
burning all night to keep the children warm. Next morning only the tops of the fence posts were visible through the drifts,
yet the parents, who had spent a restless night, arrived early and were grateful and happy to find their children safe in
the teacher's home. SPENT NIGHT UNDER SLED One of the most remarkable escapes was due to the ingenuity of a sixteen-year-old farm hand, Devoice, whose
given name is unknown. While the storm was raging furiously, Devoice, who was employed by J. C. Malloy of Saunders County,
started with a sled and team of mules for the school house after the children. He placed the six Malloy children and a daughter
of M. K. Dixon in the sled, and had proceeded some distance towards home when the mules became blinded by the storm and refused
to go any farther against it. The driver unhitched the mules and left them to find their own way home. Then he turned over
the sled box and placed the children under it, covered them with robes, and prepared to await the recession of the storms.
When he ventured out the next morning, he found that one of the mules had refused to go home and was frozen to death. THE WESTPHALEN CHILDREN One of the most touching tragedies of the blizzard was the death of the two Westphalen girls, ages eight and
thirteen. Although advised by their teacher to go home with her, the older girl, Ida, insisted that they should go to their
mother who was a widow living a mile north across the fields from the school. They lost their way and wandered around in circles.
After three day's search, their frozen bodies were found a few feet from one another about two miles east of their home. The noble self-sacrifice of the thirteen-year-old girl in caring for her younger sister was a case of remarkable
heroism. She took her heavy wraps and put them around the younger one and doubtless helped her along until they both became
completely exhausted and slumped down in the snow. PRISONER IN A HAYSTACK Miss Ettie Shattuck, who taught school four miles southeast of Emmet, met with an experience during the storm
which reads like a tale of fiction. After wandering aimlessly around in the storm for some time seeking shelter, she stumbled against a haystack.
With her hands she dug a hole in the stack and crawled into it, pulling hay into the hole after her. The snow drifted over
the spot and partially protected her from the cold. She sang hymns until she fell asleep. When Miss Shattuck tried to get out the next morning, she found that the snow had frozen so hard that she
could not budge it. She lay helpless and hungry all day Friday, Saturday and Sunday. The neighborhood turned out in search
of her, but on Sunday night they gave up andreturned to their homes. The farmer, into whose stack Miss Shattuck had burrowed, needed some feed after the storm, and drove to this
particular stack among several on his farm. While scooping away the snow, he noticed that the hay had been disturbed and that
there was a funnel-shaped hole through the snow. Reaching his hand down into the hole, he felt an overshoed foot. Though hungry
and weak from her 78 hours of imprisonment, Miss Shattuck was able to respond when he called, "Ettie, is that you?" Miss Shattuck's legs were so badly frozen that it was necessary to amputate them. She died from the effects
of the operation in February. EXPERIENCE OF MISS ROYCE Another Nebraska teacher, Miss Royce, had an experience similar to Miss Shattuck's. When the blizzard struck,
she formed a chain of children and started for home. She found no house, but finally bumped into a haystack. With her hands
she dug a tunnel in the hay, crammed the children into it, and sat at the opening herself. The next day frantic parents found
her there, unable to speak. The children were all safe, though some were frostbitten. Miss Royce underwent several operations
to remove frozen parts from her hands and feet. Eventually, she died from the effects of the operations and exposure. CURIOUS REUNION ON SNOWY PRAIRIE The element of coincidence in the dramatic story of the 1888 blizzard as told my Mrs. John Rudder of Cortland
is amazing. Mrs. Rudder, who was a little girl at the time, attended a rural school near Pickrell. Her home was nearly a mile
northwest of the school. The teacher dismissed the children as soon as the storm struck. The child and her two little friends
lost their way as they tried to face the fury of the storm. They came to a drift so deep that they could not go through it,
and while they stood, not knowing what to do, a neighbor who had started to school after his children came up. He too was
lost. Fortunately there was a haystack nearby in which they took refuge. Meanwhile, Mrs. Rudder's father, who was caring for his stock when the blizzard struck, started to the school
with more wraps for the children. He reached the school in safety, but became confused when he was forced to face the storm
on the way home. By some strange coincidence, his wanderings brought him to the same haystack that sheltered his children.
An older brother was in Pickrell three miles west of home when the storm broke. He rode his pony toward the
school where he thought the teacher would keep the children. On his way he was joined by a neighbor who was riding a work
horse. When the two found the school empty, they started for home. In the deep snow the brother's pony rode out from under
him. Fearing that his companion would ride over him, the boy called out. The father recognized his son's voice and yelled
to him. Mrs. Rudder said, "Brother and neighbor came to us, making seven in all. We huddled together, trying to keep warm.
Because we knew it would be the end for anyone who went to sleep, mybrother and I sang songs and talked all night. I think
it was God's will that we should be saved orwe surely would have perished." All were badly frozen, especially Mrs. Rudder's father and one of the other men, but the nextmorning each
member of the party was able to find his way home. All recovered from the effectsof the exposure. SPENT NIGHT IN THE SCHOOL HOUSE Joe Holt, who was a fifteen-year-old boy at the time of the 1888 blizzard recalls how he andseveral companions
spent the night in the school house on Logan Creek about one mile northwestof Laurel, Nebraska. Mr. Holt says: "The weather
was so warm in the morning that I came to school too poorly clad toface the storm. When the storm struck about three o'clock
in the afternoon, I realized that wemust have plenty of coal in for the night. Being the oldest boy in the school, I took
the lead andwe succeeded in getting sufficient coal from the shed which was about ten rods north of theschool house. About
the time the coal was in, Mr. L. C. Tolles came for his children. He wantedto take us all home with him but we were afraid
to go, so he left us. About an hour later hereturned with our suppers. I shall never forget how kind and strong he was. He
came on a sorrelmule and carried a three-tine fork with the handle cut off short. When he left, he warned us notto leave the
building. All night we kept the fire burning. We had no light--just opened the stovedoor for light. By eight o'clock the next
morning we could see quite well and soon my fathercame for us. He greeted us with, 'I never expected to see you boys alive
again.'" The Associated Press, June 23, 2003 DESHLER, Neb. Up to a foot of rain and at least seven tornadoes pounded in southern
Nebraska, killing one person and destroying ''quite a few'' homes. Residents of one town reported hail that look ''like someone dropping volleyballs
down.'' Four tornadoes struck in and around Deshler starting at 6:40 p.m. Sunday, said Todd
Holsten of the National Weather Service in Hastings. ''They've got the town all blocked off,'' said Gordon Fleming, a Thayer County commissioner
who lives in the town of around 900. ''It blew some buildings away here.'' One person was killed and five were injured in Deshler, about 75 miles southwest
of Lincoln near the Kansas line, said Malisa Sittler, personnel director at Thayer County Health Services in Hebron. It was
Nebraska's first tornado death since 1988. ''There's a lot of damage from trees just landing on cars and homes. It's unbelievable,''
said Bob Reinke of Reinke Manufacturing, a maker of irrigation equipment and flatbed trucks. He the storm destroyed one building
at the factory and the town's lumber yard. ''We're just trying to figure out what's out there,'' said Margie Holle, whose husband,
Alan Holle, is Deshler's mayor. ''I've been in the basement all night.'' Gov. Mike Johanns planned to tour the Deshler area Monday, said spokesman Chris Peterson.
Because of a threat of more severe weather, he chose to drive rather than fly, Peterson said. There were preliminary reports of up to 12 inches of rain in Hebron, about 10 miles
east of Deshler. Radar indicated 6 to 13 inches of rain throughout Thayer County, said Jared Guyer of the weather service
in Hastings. High water closed a highway just south of Hebron. One resident of Aurora said hail punched a hole in his roof that was large enough
for him to crawl through, said Dale Obermeier, a weather service spotter in Aurora, who said the hail also dug holes in his
yard. ''When it came down it looked just like someone dropping volleyballs down,'' Obermeier
said. The weather service planned to investigate the hail reports, Guyer said. ''That would be record-setting hail size,'' he said. ''We plan to check that out
before we call the Guinness (Book of Records) folks.'' The name of the person killed in Deshler was not immediately released. About 20 people were watching ''The Hulk'' at the Falls Cinema when a section of
roof gave way and the movie screen fell toward the audience. ''It was pretty unexpected, the extra special effects,'' said theater owner Peter
Schoell. Earlier, at least two tornados struck the Nebraska Panhandle on Friday, destroying
farm buildings and trees and derailing railroad cars. |
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